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Next Pub Run out Aug 21st


New member
ALL - Our next Pub visit has been picked by Andrew Warner one of our 30 members in the old Humberside North bank which is part of R4 & the Lincolnshire County.
I am aware that some of these members will also attend R7 & why not as the region is very large & distance can be restrictive.

We are just driving over the bridge & back under it & on to the waterfront, the venue is the Country Park Inn. Look on the link below.


Mark Jessop the R7 RO has been informed & if some of the R7 members wish to come along then all the merrier.

I do need numbers for those that would like to eat please make contact <> by the 16th Aug.

Normal arrival times 6.30 on, eating from 7p.m. Or just turn up & chat over a pint.


Definately be at this one, Rong and I, and partake of a nosebag too. It would be nice to all meet at the services at the A15/A180 junction then drive over en-mass? What do you think?
Copied from David Porter Please put down David and Liz to eat, this is our area so i hope everyone comes to see us rgds David.
Hi Richard, 2 interlopers from region 7 here. Could we attend you're pub run out please. 2 for dining. Regards. Mike and Jill
Region 4 does not have interlopers, we only have guests of the region, me make anyone extremely welcome. Some of our events would not be as succesful or as pleasant without guests from other regions. We look forward to seeing you on the night. I will pass on details to Richard. Gavin R4 ARO
Anyone who wants to convoy over the bridge to our August pub night, please be at the Barnetby Top services, roundabout of A180/A15 junction leaving at 1815; arrive at Pub at 1830. For those in Grimsby area, we will meet at the laybye by the Riby junction at 1755. Gavin R4 ARO
Hi Richard, book us in Karen Jon and Josh (son) for the nose bag, we are from R7 and looking forward to the meeting, cheers Jon.
Hi Richard, Please could you add one to the list to eat next Wednesday, at the Country Park Inn. Thanks Geoff Benson
Unfortunately Lynn and myself will not be able to attend on Wednesday. We will be at east Kirby on Monday as planned. Hope you all have a great evening. Steve
If it's not too late there may be 2 more here - depending on what time I get home from work. Probably eating as well John
Great night last night. Daniel and I thoroughly enjoyed it Food and company were great and a lovely evening to boot! Nice to meet some new (and friendly) faces from other regions Hope to see you all again in the future Thanks to Andrew Warner for choosing a great location under the Humber Bridge overlooking Hull's "beach" John & Daniel
Cannot tell a lie -although I suggested the event the venue was suggested by Richard and Pam after I discovered that the Triton had ceased trading. Organisation was a combination of above plus David Porter and me. Glad you enjoyed - had to say that I thought it was one of the most pleasant evenings out I have had in a while - only downside was the road towards the M62 being closed but that was a small prob. We have some ideas for next year...... Andrew
What a brilliant night we had on the North Bank of the Hull Riviera. Pub was nice, food was good but best of all was seeing all of the porsches on arrival. This has to rate as one of our best pub nights, lovely to meet the R7 people and a lovely collection of cars (speedsport did it for me!). Now we have had the pleasure of your company, perhaps you can be our guests again on " the other side" Well done Andrew and Dave for organising a superb event. Have we got anyone stepping forward for September? possibly the last one this year? Gavin
Many thanks to R4 members for the warm welcome we received last night, it was a lovely relaxing evening. Must have 3kg of flies & moths on the screen, headlights, bumpers after the drive home back to Leeds. Once again, many thanks to the organisers. Geoff Benson

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