This problem started a couple of weeks ago, with the heat droppping off without any adjustments being made to the dial, in the end warm air would only come out when going about 70mph - which I wasn't very often with snow on the ground.
I've tried taking the external temp sensor off as suggested in other posts, but this has made no difference - just lots of lovely cold air.
I have noticed that the gubbins (that's not a technical term) behind the glove box seems pretty seized; I undid my 'repair' to the broken clip (from when it was only blowing hot air in the summer) and the arm that sits in the clip moves freely enough (not that it makes any difference, although I can hear a change) but the mechanism where the clip is mounted is solid.
I've tried taking the external temp sensor off as suggested in other posts, but this has made no difference - just lots of lovely cold air.
I have noticed that the gubbins (that's not a technical term) behind the glove box seems pretty seized; I undid my 'repair' to the broken clip (from when it was only blowing hot air in the summer) and the arm that sits in the clip moves freely enough (not that it makes any difference, although I can hear a change) but the mechanism where the clip is mounted is solid.