I've recently changed the camshaft and balancer shaft belts on my S2 and notice the belts are noiser than before. They now make a wirring noise. I know it's not the alternator or power steering pump belts because I've since removed these and it made no difference.
The camshaft belt has the spring tensioner design. The manual states for the older manually tensioned engines they should be adjusted to 4.0 +/- 0.3 when new or 2.7 +/- 0.3 when old. It appears the manual doesn't quote a tension value that results from the spring tensioner but presumably it is close to 2.7, hence the requirement to re-tension after a few hundred miles. When I fitted the belt I rotated the crankshaft a couple of turns clockwise with the spring tensioner unclamped to remove any slack from the non-tensioned belt run between the crackshaft and camshaft. The spring tensioner was then clamped.
I don't have a belt tension gauge so the balance shaft belt was tensioned so that it felt similar to the camshaft belt. The manual states 3.5 +/- 0.5 for an 18mm balancer shaft belt. The idler roller clearances were then carefully set in accordance with the manual.
If the camshaft belt spring tensioner does result in a 2.7 tension value for the camshaft belt then maybe I've not put enough tension in the balance shaft belt. Does anyone know whether this wirring belt noise is a sign of an under tensioned belt? Also could I start the engine without the balance shaft belt in place to isolate the noise without doing any damage? As it only runs the balance shafts I think it would just result in a little more vibration and nothing else, am I right?
The camshaft belt has the spring tensioner design. The manual states for the older manually tensioned engines they should be adjusted to 4.0 +/- 0.3 when new or 2.7 +/- 0.3 when old. It appears the manual doesn't quote a tension value that results from the spring tensioner but presumably it is close to 2.7, hence the requirement to re-tension after a few hundred miles. When I fitted the belt I rotated the crankshaft a couple of turns clockwise with the spring tensioner unclamped to remove any slack from the non-tensioned belt run between the crackshaft and camshaft. The spring tensioner was then clamped.
I don't have a belt tension gauge so the balance shaft belt was tensioned so that it felt similar to the camshaft belt. The manual states 3.5 +/- 0.5 for an 18mm balancer shaft belt. The idler roller clearances were then carefully set in accordance with the manual.
If the camshaft belt spring tensioner does result in a 2.7 tension value for the camshaft belt then maybe I've not put enough tension in the balance shaft belt. Does anyone know whether this wirring belt noise is a sign of an under tensioned belt? Also could I start the engine without the balance shaft belt in place to isolate the noise without doing any damage? As it only runs the balance shafts I think it would just result in a little more vibration and nothing else, am I right?