My Porsche 944 1989 2.7 wont start.
Its stood for a year. Ran fine when I garaged it.
It cranks over fine..Ive checked the plugs and cleaned them..all good and they spark.
It started a little..misfired then nothing since.
I noticed the fuel pump was quiet and suspected the DME relay. I looped it out and now I hear the fuel pump..but still no start!
Pulled out the plugs and they are no fuel.
The tank has a couple of gallons in..the warning light is on.
Any pointers please?
All ideas gladlly tried
Its stood for a year. Ran fine when I garaged it.
It cranks over fine..Ive checked the plugs and cleaned them..all good and they spark.
It started a little..misfired then nothing since.
I noticed the fuel pump was quiet and suspected the DME relay. I looped it out and now I hear the fuel pump..but still no start!
Pulled out the plugs and they are no fuel.
The tank has a couple of gallons in..the warning light is on.
Any pointers please?
All ideas gladlly tried