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Norwich Union 'Pay as you drive' insurance


New member

Have recently been checking out the above (relatively) new product. With my car being used mainly at weekends, I fall into the 'off peak' category where the main benefits in terms of lower premium arise. As an example, with my sub-6,000 miles per year usage, I'm potentially looking at a year one premium of c£590 which reduces to £540 in year two (all things being equal) when the one-off £50 device fitting charge falls away. This corresponds very favourably with my current premium of c£920 pa. As the current policy has quite a few nice 'add ons' thrown in, I now just need to do the detailed Policy provisions comparison work (what joy) to see if it really makes sense to switch - but initial reading looks quite positive.

So has anyone out there switched to / taken out this product? - any observations? I'm phoning the RAC tomorrow to ask about their fitting of the Telematic device, etc.


There have been a few comments recently on here along the lines of "don't touch Norwich Union with a barge pole". Nothing to do with the pay-as-you-go, more related to their willingness to make reasonable and quick payouts when a claim arrises on our types of cars and general (lack of) helpfullness of their call centre folks.

Worth doing a search, never tried them myself (but won't be risking it!)

I paid Norwich Union £595 at my last renewal for a 2005 987 £40K fully comp/2 drivers/European cover and RAC/£250 excess for 10K miles pa with no unusual caveats. So your 'pay as you drive' quote does not look that special.


I've insured my MGF, 986, 987, BMWs with Norwich Union for over ten years without any problems. They chased a taxi driver who rear-ended my wife's Golf and refused any contact and paid up in full, and sorted my 986 when dented in a car park by an unknown third party without loss of NCB. My experience with them has been excellent.

I use a broker for all my insurances and they always seem to get me a better deal than anywhere else, and handle any claims and queries promptly over the phone. My online quotes don't even get close. If you want details of my broker then send me an email and I will be happy to oblige.
ORIGINAL: Brian Halling

I've insured my MGF, 986, 987, BMWs with Norwich Union for over ten years without any problems. They chased a taxi driver who rear-ended my wife's Golf and refused any contact and paid up in full, and sorted my 986 when dented in a car park by an unknown third party without loss of NCB. My experience with them has been excellent.

I can't get them to even return a phone call or send a letter to me never mind pursue a third party .
I would rather walk than insure a car with Norwich Union. [:mad:]
I have had limited dealings with NU. Most recently with NU direct when trying to insure my daughters car. I was talking to a call centre in India and before I knew it I was insured without some of the options I requested and on the basis of a lump sum payment when I really wanted monthly payments - there really was a language problem and it seemed like the rep was reading from a script!

I am not discriminating in any way (I travel to & deal with our Indian office regularly at work) but I really felt that it was a case of 'get the deal in the bag according to the script' rather than 'the customer comes first'!

Food for thought: Neither me nor my wife decided on the black box option when offered, but I did sign up here:

Like Brian I found a broker (Direct Choice Insurance on the web/phone) to be excellent at finding the best and most appropriate deal for my usage. Good luck in your search.
ORIGINAL: marke2

There have been a few comments recently on here along the lines of "don't touch Norwich Union with a barge pole". Nothing to do with the pay-as-you-go, more related to their willingness to make reasonable and quick payouts when a claim arrises on our types of cars and general (lack of) helpfullness of their call centre folks.

Worth doing a search, never tried them myself (but won't be risking it!)

I was with NU Direct for a couple of years. When my car was 9 months old an old boy drove into the side of it. One phone call and it was in the shop the next day no with hassle or quibbles from NU. That was in 2000 though.
Looking for quotes for my lads Clio on same basis as he doesn't need it at uni and only uses it during holidays -any ideas??
Dont fancy an insurrance that is pay per drive, sort of stops the fun or spontenuity (is that spelt right) its like having a water meter- better not flush the bog.
Try another company.
I keep seeing high quotes, must be because im old or live in a booring place but my annual fully comp with the liability included (wife who keeps picking up speeding tickets) is just a tad over £400 (£377 if i ditch the wife) with privilege.
In fact anyone out there who wants a wife can have her and i will pay the difference for 10 years and deliver her free


Have you tried advertising?

Brilliant Mark, just what i have been looking for.

I wonder if they have a page for poor runners, sold without warranty, needs plenty of maintenance, tempremental (or was that just mental)

your a gem

mmm.......on probing a little further re. the 'black box', whilst NU can't disclose the data picked up outside of the 'need to know' parties re. billing, etc., if I was in an accident and the Police wanted data re. my speed from NU, then as one might expect, NU have to hand it over.

Now I believe I'm a safe driver but I'm not going to deny that I don't always drive within the stated speed I'm now re-thinking the whole thing. If I got involved in a situation where I was clearly not to blame, but black box showed that I had been just over the limit, the value of any witness statements in my favour might become diluted, etc.

Thanks for all the helpful replies......


Wise choice - big brother is out to get you - especially us evil car users who dare to enjoy driving

I wonder what will happen to the legal position on tracker/VTS........

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