Hello all.
I would like some info regarding the engine on the 912.
For what i could find there are 2 engines that were produce for this car.
65-69 1.6 carb
76 2.0 fuel injection
I have been looking on one on sale and have some strange info.
For what i could find from the car vin is a 1969 assembled at the Karmann factory
But here start the strange info, the car is anounced as 1970 with a 1.7 fuel injected engine
On other sale add is a 2.0 fuel injected
For what i found the 1.7 was on the 914.
Pic attached
I would like some info regarding the engine on the 912.
For what i could find there are 2 engines that were produce for this car.
65-69 1.6 carb
76 2.0 fuel injection
I have been looking on one on sale and have some strange info.
For what i could find from the car vin is a 1969 assembled at the Karmann factory
But here start the strange info, the car is anounced as 1970 with a 1.7 fuel injected engine
On other sale add is a 2.0 fuel injected
For what i found the 1.7 was on the 914.
Pic attached