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Novembers Newsletter


PCGB. Region 9. West Midlands

Our Meetings are on the FIRST TUESDAY of the Month.

Our meetings at the Bear Inn, now on the first Tuesday of the month, continue to be popular..

At our October meeting we were fortunate to have Peter Cook, who looks after the Club Archives, to give us an interesting talk. He gave us an insight to the workings and collection of all things Porsche, which he and the Club are slowly putting together. To this end, Peter is allowed certain monies to obtain rare and collectable items, at fairs and auctions. Apparently we now have the most comprehensive set of Christophorus, in the UK. Peter is able to put his hand on most workshop manuals etc., so if you want to know some details of your car, I suggest, you get in touch with him.

We also saw several historical films of racing at Le Mans, Nurburgring, American and other Tracks, with many interesting classic Porsches and other well known makes. A pity this was not so well attended, you missed a treat.

Annual Lunch.

This will be on Sunday 20th January 2008, at The Bear Inn, Berkswell. 12.30pm for 1pm.

A full three course lunch with mince pies at a reasonable cost. I am in the process of agreeing the Menu and price with The Bear, which should be settled by the time you read this.

I will send a Menu and booking details to all those who have attended this year. Otherwise, please contact me a soon as possible so that we can put numbers together.

Forthcoming Meetings.

At present, I am formulating a Programme for next year, which will be issued as soon as possible.

Tuesday 5th February,

We shall start the New Year with a short talk on Electrical Relays, their types, workings, testing and fault finding.

Be a bright spark and keep your ignition going.

John Lord.

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