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Novice Induction day follow on!


New member
Hello All - thank you for the comments regarding the first novice experience at Blyton Park.

The team from R4 are pleased that everyone appeared to enjoy the thrill & left wishing for more![:D]

May I thank both Gavin & Mike for efforts put in during the day, I gather they both slept well that night.
Again thank you to Cliff & Rod for doing the marshalling.
I was still a bit high hoping all had enjoyed the day.
A thank you to Porsche Nottingham Gary for bringing along a 991.

I shall be having chat with the circuit owners & Head office to see if we can move this on & have a full day at the venue.
There are no weekends left at the circuit until very late in the year. So I am looking at a possible Monday or a Friday would that still be of interest to members?

Richard RO R4
Just a quick update, Letters have been sent to Porsche club motorsports division to ask if we can run Induction days under their wing rather than as a region. We would still run the event though, but with PCGB full support. Negotiation have already started to hold another event before the end of School holidays. Similar to the last event but with another extra instructor, more track time, better support activities and a larger managemnet team. Keep watching for more info. E-mails will be sent to all those who took part in the last event. Gavin Assistant RO R4
We have managed to arrange another Blyton Park event, see "Novice driver circuit induction day" post! Andrew price has increased as has track time and that is down to R4 not the involvement of the club; but still unbelievable value for what is on offer. Gavin

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