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off topic (Netbooks)


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Had to share my good fortune with you lot. (Apologies for this being off topic)

Last week for one day only ? PC World online advertised the HP Mini 110-1038a netbook for £179.00 !
I thought there had to be a catch as it is advertised everywhere else at £220 to £260 but I took a chance and ordered 2x , one for the missus and one for me.

The next day the price had gone back up to £220 so I've spent an agonising 3 days waiting for confirmation I would receive them at £179 .They were finally despatched last night. £80.00 saving is not to be sniffed at is it.!

It might be worth Keeping an eye on Comet,Dixons,PC World et al if you are looking to buy a cheap netbook .
This is the latest version with 250Gb HDD 1Gb DDR3 , Intel Atom N455 1.6Ghz, Windows7 webcam etc

This August as a Birthday treat we have booked a weeks break at Gigrin Farm, Wales to take some pictures of the Red Kites and other birds of prey there. These netbooks will be perfect to download and view our images on and also surf on the move. They included some mobile Broadband dongles in the price !

The only fly in the ointment is that we shall probably have to take the Mondy for convenience rather than the S2 still at least it has A/C I suppose

ORIGINAL: peanut
The only fly in the ointment is that we shall probably have to take the Mondy for convenience rather than the S2 still at least it has A/C I suppose
Make sure you get the hay, dogs and horse feed out of it beforehand, Nick. And who needs Air Con in weather like this? Call yourself an enthusiast eh? Choosing a modern bland bimble-box in favour of one of the finest chassis' Porsche have ever made, just so Mrs Peanut can take a few more frocks for a bird-watching weekend away? Those netbooks are small for a purpose, y'know. Tsk! Tsk! [>:]

Oli. .
ORIGINAL: zcacogp

ORIGINAL: peanut
The only fly in the ointment is that we shall probably have to take the Mondy for convenience rather than the S2 still at least it has A/C I suppose
Make sure you get the hay, dogs and horse feed out of it beforehand, Nick. And who needs Air Con in weather like this? Call yourself an enthusiast eh? Choosing a modern bland bimble-box in favour of one of the finest chassis' Porsche have ever made, just so Mrs Peanut can take a few more frocks for a bird-watching weekend away? Those netbooks are small for a purpose, y'know. Tsk! Tsk! [>:]
Oli. .

thanks Oli I needed a good laugh this morning.

I admit I am feeling a bit queasy about taking Mondy . still at least it is the reserve Mondy ( 2.0lt Ghia ) and not her stable-yard Mondy 1.8Tdi

Missus really doesn't care for the S2 because her great big oaf of a dog can't fit in. ..............(thank you lord )

Fortunately no dogs are allowed at Gigrin Farm so I may be able to swing it on the grounds that the S2 is cheaper on fuel .

I think I may have to risk pulling rank on this one but I'll leave it nearer the day I think ( insert chicken noises here)
Then again the way things have been going so far this year I may just opt for a quiet life .[:D]
ORIGINAL: peanut
... it is the reserve Mondy ( 2.0lt Ghia ) and not her stable-yard Mondy 1.8Tdi
Oh dear heaven, it just gets worse.

Nick, you have reserve versions of thing that you can't live without. You only back-up important things. I have an electric drill and I have a reserve electric drill. I have a credit card and I have a reserve credit card. I have a beer opener and I have a reserve beer opener.

The only queasy thing about your mondeos is that you need to have a reserve one of them. It implies that, should you find yourself in a situation where there is no mondeo available, there would be cataclysmic damage to life or limb, governments would fall, continents would drift or some other such terrible occurance would come to pass (all of which would be real risks should any of the above-mentioned things fail. Particularly the beer opener. In fact, the whole Egypt/Mubyrak thing could have come about because someone, somewhere, has lost their beer opener and doesn't have a reserve one.)

Nick, you need to sit down and thing long and hard about the situation you find yourself in. You are in grave danger of being reported to the PCGB marque re-orientation board for some 'corrective action' if you don't. And I will report you myself, for your own good, if I don't see some improvement soon.

[:eek:] is about the only smiley that conveys the gravity of the current situation. And it's just not strong enough.

Oli - if your travels ever take you to Newcastle upon Tyne then let me know, I'll stand you a pint!

We had a new carpet fitted in the living room yesterday and only last week her aging doberman became incontinent ... she actually poo'd whilst walking round the kitchen in front of us.

Do you think I should order a reserve carpet? ... just in case..........

oh god I'm a lost case Oli I've got it all wrong haven't I.! What I should have done is got a reserve missus !
Then all my other reserves become redundant ......

I'm off to buy a reserve case of beer just in case you make it down this way and i've drunk it all . [:D][:D][:D]


Reserve carpet? Did the demise of the old carpet bring about catastrophe similar to that outlined in my previous post? Probably not (unless your carpet is what caused the problems in Tunisia, in which case you need to apologise, and pronto.) In which case, no need for a reserve.

Reserve case of beer? I'm mildly disturbed that you don't have one already. (Don't forget your reserve credit card when you go to buy it BTW.)

Reserve missis? No. Definitely not, this would be a BAD thing. While I am sure Mrs Peanut would be very pleased if you told her that losing her would be a catastrophe to you, you should under no circumstances even think about getting a reserve missis; missisesis (whatever the correct spelling is!) are not the sort of thing that reserves should ever be found for. Last time I suggested to Mrs zcacogp that I should bring a (particularly attractive, younger, taller and more slender) friend in as a reserve should anything happen to her, some very nasty things happened to me. The details of which I don't want to go into on a public forum, but which should be avoided at almost all costs.

I hope this helps.


ETA: No Nick, you are not a lost cause. You may be a grumpy old fart, but there is hope for you yet. I think. >CrossesFingers< [&:]
I may be a grumpy old fart but at least I'm not yet incontinent thank god.![;)]

I never used to be grumpy when i was a young grumpy git......

I sort of developed it over a lifetime of having to deal with brash, young, exuberant turbo-driving whipper-snappers who insist on tail-gating me along the motorway whilst I am happily pootling along in the middle lane at 80mph minding my own business.![;)]

ps the old carpet and 3x piece died well over 6 years ago but we have been hanging on waiting for the dog to pass on before replacing it . Unfortunately the dawg was clearly intent on hanging on indefinitely so in desperation we went ahead and ordered a new 3x piece and carpet. Last night the two cats were in a coma on the 2x chairs ![:(] and the missus and I spent the whole evening keeping the dog off the sofa
Sounds like your pets are just as efficient at destroying home furnishings as kids are. Our carpet is splatted with allsorts of stains (so much for the stain guard coatings - don't waste your money!) so we've decided to live with it until the kids can behave in a sensible manner.....or leave home, whichever comes first (probably the latter). Last night I spent about two hours on the internet ordering all the bits and bobs to replace my ageing home cinema kit, and it starts to arrive this weekend so am dreading what the kids might do to it. They'd better leave their sticky hands off my nice new plasma screen! Is it still frowned upon to force the kids to live in a garden shed?
Definately no need for reserve dog then . Also (while off topic) I think I may have scientific proof of white being the fastest colour ,
check this out " Rather, white is the combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum " from It's a slightly heavy read for bedtime but it also goes on to say that black is not even a colour at all !!
Wow shocking , all of those car dealers, for all those years charging for black paint.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:[8D]
And dont get me started on butchers with their black pudding!!
Hope you get to enjoy the new sofa soon peanut and the dog learns to use loo roll [:)]
Hi Peugeot. I can get you a good deal on Black pudding if you like. 5x1.36kg sticks for about £10. Hope this helps.
ORIGINAL: sawood12

Sounds like your pets are just as efficient at destroying home furnishings as kids are. Our carpet is splatted with allsorts of stains (so much for the stain guard coatings - don't waste your money!) so we've decided to live with it until the kids can behave in a sensible manner.....or leave home, whichever comes first (probably the latter). Last night I spent about two hours on the internet ordering all the bits and bobs to replace my ageing home cinema kit, and it starts to arrive this weekend so am dreading what the kids might do to it. They'd better leave their sticky hands off my nice new plasma screen! Is it still frowned upon to force the kids to live in a garden shed?

theres only one answer with Kids and thats to put everything up over 5 foot above the floor [;)]

Well that or pull a ball and chain on them lol[:D]

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