here´s the first price check (all in EURO):
1. about 50 k EURO
2. about 60 k to 65 k EURO
3. I doubt there are some on the market. If not so, it will be a matter of individual negotiations. I know of one that was sold years ago for a LOT of money.
M 001 (which in my understanding is the Cup car)
1. 55 k to 65 k, perfect condition maybe 10k to 15 k plus
2. I doubt there are some
3. Heard of a car for more than 100 k asked, seems ridiculous to me
M 003 (in my understanding the N/GT)
1. ? Figures Please
2. ? " "
3. You know the H & S offer
N/GTs are very rarely for sale and if so, often modified with air jacks and other race equipment, often with a bunch of race seasons under their belt. Many were used or abused in VLN Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring, where they used to have a class of their own. Maybe you´ll find former race cars with lots of modifications, rebuilds, etc.
In general, almost every RS over here has its history, they were used for track days, in GTP racing etc.. Some ten years ago they were cheap, so people raced them and didn´t pay too much attention.
And, if you check the offers precisely, you´ll often find that offer and truth are not the same thing.
Whatsover, I think, they won´t get any cheaper but we´ll see many replicas in the near future. In fact it seems to be trendy in Germany to modify a C2 in RS-style.
Btw, is it only cars where wide bodies are sought after or are there more tendencies on the island I don´t understand? (Appealling to your (sick?) British sense of humour [
Ihr treu ergebener (cool, eh?)