I just got exactly the same symptoms (gauge reading 5+ all the time after working perfectly forever) so checked the sender wiring and sure enough the blue had come off completely. so I fixed it back on and cleaned up the connectors but the problem is still there! i.e. gauge reading off the top all the time with ignition on and engine running or ignition on and engine not running.. So i disconnect the wiring again and check the sender resistance (10ohms when engine off rising to many Mohms when engine running so that seems OK). So I check voltage on wiring, 12v appears on blue with ignition on, blue/white 0v. So I check impedance on disconnected wires to earth with ignition off, blue white 0ohms to earth, blue 32 ohms to earth. Connect it all back up and still the same problem....Anyone got any ideas or a simple diagram of how thegauge/sender/power are connected? Could anything get damaged if the blue wire disconnects form the sender and/or pshorts to earth. I cant see any fuses or relays specific to the oil pressure and everything else seems OK... Plenty of oil in the engine by the way....