New member
I have been looking at the Rennlist forum with the object of buying a conversion box to plug inbetwen the original diagnostic connection and my laptop. This connection will allow me to look at the information normally only available to OPCs or independents using a 'hammer', the name of the official tool. There is a vast amount of correpondence and most of the electronics goes straight over my head. The upshot is that I have ordered the PCB from the States and an electronics mate is going to make an operational system for me. Is there anybody else out there who may be interested in buying an up and running system? I don't know how much it will cost until Pete gets his hands on all the bits, but he thinks it will be around £50 subject to qauntity. I know Maurice has made two and has written a couple of articles in the Post on them. I just love the idea of having all that information available!