Does anybody have any experience of the paint protection sytems available.
I have had Armofend on my last 3 cars and while it provides excellent chip protection the film is noticeable.
I understand that Paintshield (from their adverts) is better than the others (they would say that). One advantage they have is that they can do a full frontal treatment.
My OPC have had a few issues with Armofend but no experience with Paintshield.
I would appreciate comments as I am planning for the delivery of my new Gen2 baby.
I have had Armofend on my last 3 cars and while it provides excellent chip protection the film is noticeable.
I understand that Paintshield (from their adverts) is better than the others (they would say that). One advantage they have is that they can do a full frontal treatment.
My OPC have had a few issues with Armofend but no experience with Paintshield.
I would appreciate comments as I am planning for the delivery of my new Gen2 baby.