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Paint/Windscreen help!


New member
So my 911T has a cracked screen.
First question, insurance will send out Autoglass to replace, is this going to be OK, will the screen/trim all be OK do you think, anyone have any experience? It has a top tint.
Secondly, when the car was fully painted a few years ago (glass out), the paint must have been a bit soft still when the screen was fitted and the paint isn't completely smooth (rippled slightly) where it meets the glass trim. So Autoglass cannot guarantee the new screen trim will match up to where the original screen is. This means I need to get the screen out, have the top of the car repainted then the new screen fitted. The local body shop I have used before, can do this but does not use cellulose, he says you won't be able to tell but is this going to be an issue so should I find someone else who can use the cellulose instead?
Any advice welcome!
Thanks in advance.
Hi Alan, good looking car - sorry to hear about the screen.
I remember a recent thread on the PCGB Carrera 3.2 area of the forum. Not sure of all the in's and out's but there may be something of interest in it. I do remember that it was quite a saga for Kevin - see link:
I hope there is something of help in the thread for you. Good luck with the paint, but I can' help there.
There are screens available which are a poor fit in early 911s. Consequently some caution is required. Depending on how old your screen rubber is it may be a good idea to take the opportunity to change it for a Porsche one. Aftermarket seals are not the best option.
The idea of using a modern paint formulation over a cellulose is not a good one. In the short term it may look fine but in the medium to long term is likely to give problems.
Depending on where you are located it would be prudent to contact a Porsche specialist with knowledge of early cars and of the best windcreen supply.
I would suggest you discuss the situation with your insurer as Autoglass may be cost effective for the insurance company but not the best option for you.
Hi Alan, I've only just spotted this thread-avoid Autoglass at all costs- they recently took almost two months to correctly supply and fit a windscreen to a 1987 Carrera-two incorrect screens, two totally incompetent fitters who managed to destroy the screen mouldings - finally took two senior fitters with the correct screen, new seal and mouldings. It took so long because they spent too long messing with incorrect parts-beware!!
Many thanks for your reply Albert. I have spoken to ClassicLine and they advised I can choose any company to replace the screen although the excess is an additional £50. So Autoglass is out obviously. Can anyone else recommend a specialist in the North West who can do this for me?
albert911tg said:
Hi Alan, I've only just spotted this thread-avoid Autoglass at all costs- they recently took almost two months to correctly supply and fit a windscreen to a 1987 Carrera-two incorrect screens, two totally incompetent fitters who managed to destroy the screen mouldings - finally took two senior fitters with the correct screen, new seal and mouldings. It took so long because they spent too long messing with incorrect parts-beware!!

Alan .. there is a bloke on DDK who works for one of the glass companies .. think he has helped out members in the past to get the right fitting etc . Can't remeber exactly but he could be doncaster based. Otherwise a lot of the early car restorers should be able to offer advise on who they use

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