New member
Hello all,
944S2 is long gone, but I know you guys are suitably discerning.... Anyone know a trustworthy repairer in the Glasgow area?
(I know Most if the SMART repair outfits are franchises, so experiences of any particlar "company" aren't necessarily relevant).
Returned to the car at Edinburgh airport tonight to find that some kind soul has (hopefully just clumsily as opposed to malisciously) allowed their trolley to take a high-speed run at my rear flank. As usual I 'd parked well away from everyone else (i always take an age to select a slot that I can park defensively in) so I suspect an empty trolley rolling free in the wind. It has then rotated and scraped the front door....
This is cos I spent 5hrs machine polishing it 2 weeks ago isn't it?
I may have dropped the a swear word more than once when I saw it.
WTF is wrong with people? [
944S2 is long gone, but I know you guys are suitably discerning.... Anyone know a trustworthy repairer in the Glasgow area?
(I know Most if the SMART repair outfits are franchises, so experiences of any particlar "company" aren't necessarily relevant).
Returned to the car at Edinburgh airport tonight to find that some kind soul has (hopefully just clumsily as opposed to malisciously) allowed their trolley to take a high-speed run at my rear flank. As usual I 'd parked well away from everyone else (i always take an age to select a slot that I can park defensively in) so I suspect an empty trolley rolling free in the wind. It has then rotated and scraped the front door....
This is cos I spent 5hrs machine polishing it 2 weeks ago isn't it?
I may have dropped the a swear word more than once when I saw it.

WTF is wrong with people? [