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PCGB Track Day Cadwell Park - 2nd Oct


New member
Just a gentle reminder to all R4 members, and those visitors reading this post. PCGB are holding a full open pit lane Track Day at Cadwell Park on Tuesday 2nd October.
Take up for this event has not been great, therefore this could be the last time PCGB run this event. As it was 10 years before PCGB retried Cadwell following it being dropped from Track days previously; I suspect most of us will not see another PCGB track day within our Track driving years.
So if you are thinking about it, get in touch and book with with:

Instruction will be available on the day either with PCGB or if they don't have an instructor (unlikely as I have offered already) with me directly. I will of course always give priority to PCGB first and will not compete against any other PCGB instructor; I will only therefore offer services if no other instructor is present!
Hi Gav! See below from Steve Kevlin..... Almost embarassed I'm not there having done the last two years, but too much going on this year!! Cadwell Park – Tues. 2nd October - only a week and a half away The Club’s next Track Day is at Cadwell Park on Tuesday 2nd October. To date the level of booking for this day has been disappointing. We are hopeful that as the day approaches, bookings may increase, but depending on the take-up for this event, it may be the last time we run a day at Cadwell Park. Cadwell Park is a terrific circuit offering both slow and quick corners and a wonderful undulating drive through the Lincolnshire hills. It would be a shame for this to be our last visit to this magnificent circuit, so I am hopeful Club members will respond and get their bookings in.
Hi Melv, Yes I had seen the circular from Steve, this is why I tried to stir up some action, alas I think that the final nail has been driven into the coffin as far as Cadwell is concerned; regardless of how many late entries are received. Sorry you will not be there this year, hope to catch up with you somewhere. I am now doing some work for the dark side, teaching in Prancing horses and raging bulls as well as Porsches. Best wishes mate!
Cadwell Park weather forecast From 0900-1500 clear sky, sunny 12-16 degrees. 1500 onwards overcast 14 degrees. Visibility 20 miles, no rain!. Wind 12-15 mph SSW. I hope this may encourage a few of the late comers to turn up and enjoy a good track day as entries are very few at the moment. Possibility of light rain/drizzle up to 1800 on Monday, so the circuit will be clean and dry by Tuesday morning. It would be nice to see a few R4 people come along, even if it is just to lend your support to the event; Richard RO unfortunately is away. I will be instructing for the club if anyone wants to enhance what they have gained from Blyton Park; Book with Steve Kevlin on arrival.
Good Evening All, Wishing all you drivers a Fantastic Day tomorrow, I do hope the Wind is kind to us.Sunny Skies are forecast so fingers crossed there. Looking forward to seeing you all there tomorrow (No Suits and Heels for us this time either!!) See you Tomorrow Anna Wooster (AW Repair Group)
I just want to say what a great day it was. It was good to meet new and old friends. There were some great cars on the circuit. The day gave me the confidence to take part in other days arranged for 2013. Such a shame that the attendance was not higher for yesterday as it may mean we will lose Cadwell on next years calendar which will be a shame. Thanks to all involved in putting the day together and to Gavin for his patience.
Just to reiterate the last post, Cadwell track day yesterday was a brilliant day on a very interesting circuit and thanks to everyone involved. Kerry and Tom
Totally agree, was a good event with quite a mix of cars. ChrisW has posted a couple of pics over on the 964RS site. Robert
Great to see a few old and new friends on Tuesday at Cadwell. What a superb day, the weather was great and so was the company. Well done Steve, you obviously enjoyed yourself and pedalled very well around the circuit; I bet you slept well. It's a shame we didn't have a few more than the 12 on track and could have done with a few more spectators to support the drivers. Andrew and Anna, AW, lovely to see you again. I'm delighted you didn't get any direct work on the day but hope you made some good contacts; Always nice to have you along to offer support. Steve Kevlin, thanks for all the hard work you have put in to try to make it work at Cadwell, alas some things just don't work to plan. I do hope this is not the last time we see PCGB at Cadwell, can always try Blyton park!

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