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PCM Nav System: Age of Porsche 2005 Maps


New member
I was a bit alarmed to find that both my 6 year old house is not yet on the map and a nearby Petrol Station which is on the map has not been there for some time

Does anyone know the age of the Navtec map data on the 2005 DVD. It would seem quite old

Err very old and very slow...
Buy a tom tom (it works and is pretty up to date) and save £1000 at the same time...
I really cannot see the attraction of the porsche unit - the TMC doesn't work, its very old technology and the maps are out of date and Porsche wants best part of £500 to give you some slightly less out of date maps...

I already have used TomTom for some time and do like it though its extremely buggy on a PocketPC system(probably Windows tchh!)

However I have found the TMC works perfectly and the inbuilt system is fine except for the maps. If they really are old then P have some explaining to do

My house/road, built in 1999, is also not on the map. This and the TMC problem should not be ignored.... and will not!
I have now been using my sat/nav for 3 months and I can confirm that the maps are hopelessly out of date. Having reported the fact that the road I live in (6 years) is also not included to Navteq, their dissmissive reply as follows. "We update our maps every 4 to 6 months and shortly thereafter updates are offered to partner car manufacturers". It was implied that not all take up that facility regularly.
I suggest we start bombarding the Nacteq web site with every error and ommision we can find. Maybe then they will realise how crappy their maps are.
But isnt is incumbent on the suppplier (ie Porsche) to ensure that a £1000 system is properly up to date? They are who we pay the money to.
Yes, in the normal run of things I would agree. BUT unfortunately Porsche are never very helpful when it might affect their enormous profit figures. Customer service is it seems a low priority. And they will always hide behind some legal small print if the going gets tough!
Now, Porsche management who might read this, PROVE ME WRONG and give the customers what they were sold and paid for, Quality product. Hurry I'm holding my breath.
Update from OPC yesterday: Apparently they acknowledged this as a reall issue and there is something in the pipe underway to fix it. Mines going in for a check up soon, I'll let you know how they deal with the old maps issue when I get it back. Suspect they will upgrade the DVD to newer Navtec maps
The latest Navteq maps supplied in recently delivered cars are no better. Riddled with errors and ommisions. We can't expect the maps to be perfect but they should at least match quality of much cheaper alternative e.g. Tom Tom.
A friend across the road, who went to collect his C2S today, and pre-programed with the question about Sat Nav Map age... was told by the dealer agent that towards the end of this year there will be a special program to invite all drivers to get the system upgraded to the latest version, I believe for free. Sorry, the only detail I got was that there would be more up to date maps

"more up to date"! they couldn't get more inaccurate, could they? If the government gets its way with the proposed building program in the south east, we may as well give up on Sat/Nav with Navteq mapping. As for "free" I don't think that word exists in the Porsche vocabulary. Which OPC is saying this? Because in my part of the world they are very tight lipped on this subject.
I think that all systems have some weaknesses. The Map info could definitely be better on the PCM system, but on the positive side the system is the best I have ever seen with regard to estimating arrival times. TomTom and systems such as the BMW built-in system are absolutely appalling at this.

With regard to age of map data, it is interesting that TomTom 5 has the new motorway layouts all in place for the access roads that are currently being built for Heathrow Terminal 5 but they obviously are inactive, bearing in mind that the roads aren't actually there yet :)
Funny that as I have found TomTom pretty accurate for arrival times... but perhaps a little late

Quick play with Porsche Car Configurator today to see how my car would look with painted wheels. Noticed a new wheel design available - the 19" Carrera Sport Design, but also new PCM Navigation options ! How about these:

PCM extended navigation module - Includes an addiitonal module for automatic route recording and subsequent back-trace navigation. Facilitates navigation in areas that are not digitally recorded using its GPS system


Electronic logbook - Permits automatic recording of mileage, journey length, date and time as well as start and destination address for each journey A PC software package for subsequent data evaluation is also supplied

As they can't fix our own basic navigation, heaven help anyone who orders these !
Ah, that feature is genericaly termed "track back"

Nice to see they are facilitating a PC interface, though this is scary for them given the number of customer calls they "will" get from it

Also I wonder how much memory is fitted as standard for this purpose, and how many routes can be stored etc

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