My PCM decided to die this morning on the way to work. The screen has jusy gone blank, it asked for a code first??? Which I did'nt have with me, so I left it, then about a mile later it died.
I have checked the fuse and all seems OK.
I rang OPC and they say it needs a new system at £2500.00
Anyone had any problems like this? The Battery went dead flat a couple of weeks ago, but has been ok since - it was a very and damp morning this morning and took ages for the inside of the car to feel warm.
I have checked the fuse and all seems OK.
I rang OPC and they say it needs a new system at £2500.00
Anyone had any problems like this? The Battery went dead flat a couple of weeks ago, but has been ok since - it was a very and damp morning this morning and took ages for the inside of the car to feel warm.