I've got a problem with my PCM1. Its the 16 bit version in an '02 car. Its stuck on "initialising system". I can't eject the CD to try and clean it. The two green lights on the left hand side of the unit just flash all the time. With the engine not running I can hear the unit attempting to eject the CD when pressing the button, but thats all you get, a bit of a whirring noise. I don't know if this makes a difference but its running the Vauxhall/Opel disc, but has been OK for 2 years.
Any ideas please?
I've got a problem with my PCM1. Its the 16 bit version in an '02 car. Its stuck on "initialising system". I can't eject the CD to try and clean it. The two green lights on the left hand side of the unit just flash all the time. With the engine not running I can hear the unit attempting to eject the CD when pressing the button, but thats all you get, a bit of a whirring noise. I don't know if this makes a difference but its running the Vauxhall/Opel disc, but has been OK for 2 years.
Any ideas please?