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PHOTOS - Blyton Park Induction Track Day

Andrew Walsh

New member

The photos from the Blyton Park Track Induction Day are now live on our website -

Thank you for a wonderful day, even the weather turned out to be ok in the end! I know the winner of our competition also enjoyed himself, so thanks again for that also.

If you have any questions or would like any advise, please contact me on or 07970709032.

Look forward to seeing you all very soon. [:)]

Thanks, Jade.
Thank you Jade for posting these photos. They are great photos - congratulations to the photographer. Thank you too to AW Repair Group for sponsoring a really great day. Graham
I can't open the link or the link on my e-mail, anyone else having problems? Rong cannot open it either!
I haven't had any trouble opening the link on either her at home or at work; but both computers are Macs so does that make a difference? The link takes you to AW Accident Repair Centres web site with a flikr link embedded in it; her is the link direct to the Flikr page, maybe this will work better? Hope you get to see them, the photos are great!
Thanks Graham, that worked perfectly. Great pictures, certainly captured something of the day! As usual, after 4 Blyton events, the photographer packs up and goes home as soon as I get onto the track.
Wish I was as photogenic as my car! [:)] nice photo's thanks for sharing....thoroughly enjoyable day!
Sorry Gavin, the photos are in FlickR, so if you haven't got Java or a certain programme on the device it won't allow it to open - odd! I will have a word next time and see if he can stay and do some shots - unfortunately I can't control his hours :( Let me know when you have another track day with your car and I may be able to arrange some shots - especially if it's a weekend. See you all soon, Jade 07970709032
Just to let you all know, there was a short video taken from the starting line from Blyton Park Novice Induction Day which I have just posted on our facebook page. Please search AW Crash Repair on facebook, alternatively, if you go to our website, there is a link to our facebook page at the top of the website. Enjoy, Jade. [:)]
Thanks Andrew and Jade, The photos are brilliant, I know a lot of people love their photos. I was only joking about my pictures, I am always the last one on the track, I don't expect to get any from the photographer. I managed to open the files via the link Graham sent. Many thanks Gavin

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