PCGB Member
Much has been on the forum lately about sudden non-starting or bad starting and the like, and to illustrate just how much a modern ignition system can compensate for poor electrode gap have a look at the plug from my 924 turbo which went onto three cylinders suddenly and intermittently yesterday. I mislayed one plug last summer and changed three, meaning to change the fourth plug when I unearthed it. Well it has hung around for so long I forgot it needed doing, what with taking over as R19 r/o and all that, and as a result poor old No2 plug, the B awkward one under the pressure duct got neglected and ended up with the gap you see before you, refusing to fire every time. As you can see the gap is nearly 0.080 inch, when it should be 0.028 inch, or for those who have commited metricide 2.00 mm instead of 0.7