And then there were two.....
So I bought my second 944 a couple of weeks ago, a 1987 Turbo in Diamond Blue metallic - bought from a Tipec forum member, Russell. All went well, and car was as described - she survived a trip home from rush hour London on the hottest day of the year, and tomorrow she will be loaded up ready for a weekend away camping down on the Jurassic coastline.
Managed to get a few photos today (needed some for insurance agreed value submission), so thought I'd share them...
'87 Porsche 944 Turbo by Hallsy01, on Flickr
'87 Porsche 944 Turbo by Hallsy01, on Flickr
'87 Porsche 944 Turbo by Hallsy01, on Flickr
'87 Porsche 944 Turbo by Hallsy01, on Flickr
'87 Porsche 944 Turbo by Hallsy01, on Flickr
So far I'm pretty happy with the car mechanically. Russells indy suggested that one of the front shocks needed replacing, so I will have a proper look as soon as possible - but certainly on the road, it's not immediately obvious that anything is wrong.
Cosmetically it needs the passenger wing & lower rear quarter sorting, a dent in the sill and rear panel repainting (some minor rust around tail light) - as well as the awful non original rear Porsche sticker replacing. Incidentally, on this colour, shoudl the sticker be white or black?
I'm going to take it over to a friend of mine who has a spray booth to have a chat about what the plan of action will be. Being fussy, the front bumper has a few marks, and the bonnet has some bird poo etching - so possible it may end up getting a full repaint, but the wing & rear panel are priority for now. The rear rubbing strip has been painted body colour, then black again - but I have picked up a good used original one today to replace it (Thanks Stu
First little job I did was to swap the Becker DTM over from my S, a Becker just suits the 944 interior so well imo. That lead onto a bit of cable tidying, but I still have some redundant alarm wiring to remove as well. Next interior job will be to investigate the aircon, as it doesn't work. I suspect the aircon side is non operative due to loss of gas, but before I get to that, the normal climate control is not working correctly. Looking at the servo's for temp control under the dash, when the temperature knob is turned, there is no movement - it is always on cold (or maybe almost fully cold), not the classic stuck on hot!! If I press the quick demist button, the servo moves to full hot, so that works OK - maybe there is a fault with the temperature control pot, or maybe the interior sensor. Will have to have a better look.
As for the drive, it feels good to be back in a turbo car again, I'd missed the satisfying surge you get from forced induction. Driving my S and the Turbo back to back, it's hard to judge one against the other - they are just different, and both have their merits. The Turbo is quicker, and for my driving style, easier to make progress - but where the Turbo is stiffer and corners a lot flatter, that little bit of extra give that the S has, almost makes it feel a little lighter on it's wheels somehow. I will certainly get to know the Turbo a lot better over the weekend, as I have a few miles to cover!
Early days yet, but so far - I'm very happy
So I bought my second 944 a couple of weeks ago, a 1987 Turbo in Diamond Blue metallic - bought from a Tipec forum member, Russell. All went well, and car was as described - she survived a trip home from rush hour London on the hottest day of the year, and tomorrow she will be loaded up ready for a weekend away camping down on the Jurassic coastline.
Managed to get a few photos today (needed some for insurance agreed value submission), so thought I'd share them...

So far I'm pretty happy with the car mechanically. Russells indy suggested that one of the front shocks needed replacing, so I will have a proper look as soon as possible - but certainly on the road, it's not immediately obvious that anything is wrong.
Cosmetically it needs the passenger wing & lower rear quarter sorting, a dent in the sill and rear panel repainting (some minor rust around tail light) - as well as the awful non original rear Porsche sticker replacing. Incidentally, on this colour, shoudl the sticker be white or black?
I'm going to take it over to a friend of mine who has a spray booth to have a chat about what the plan of action will be. Being fussy, the front bumper has a few marks, and the bonnet has some bird poo etching - so possible it may end up getting a full repaint, but the wing & rear panel are priority for now. The rear rubbing strip has been painted body colour, then black again - but I have picked up a good used original one today to replace it (Thanks Stu
First little job I did was to swap the Becker DTM over from my S, a Becker just suits the 944 interior so well imo. That lead onto a bit of cable tidying, but I still have some redundant alarm wiring to remove as well. Next interior job will be to investigate the aircon, as it doesn't work. I suspect the aircon side is non operative due to loss of gas, but before I get to that, the normal climate control is not working correctly. Looking at the servo's for temp control under the dash, when the temperature knob is turned, there is no movement - it is always on cold (or maybe almost fully cold), not the classic stuck on hot!! If I press the quick demist button, the servo moves to full hot, so that works OK - maybe there is a fault with the temperature control pot, or maybe the interior sensor. Will have to have a better look.
As for the drive, it feels good to be back in a turbo car again, I'd missed the satisfying surge you get from forced induction. Driving my S and the Turbo back to back, it's hard to judge one against the other - they are just different, and both have their merits. The Turbo is quicker, and for my driving style, easier to make progress - but where the Turbo is stiffer and corners a lot flatter, that little bit of extra give that the S has, almost makes it feel a little lighter on it's wheels somehow. I will certainly get to know the Turbo a lot better over the weekend, as I have a few miles to cover!
Early days yet, but so far - I'm very happy