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Pictures of recent run north


New member
Probably the best trip I have done in my car, I usually tend to just go away for one night and then the next day is all about getting home. This time round the Saturday was just about driving, what a difference that made. Loads of laughs and good memories.
Glasgow to Shieldaig via the Applecross, Shieldaig to Tongue, Tongue to Lairg and onto the old military road and down through Glenshee. 800 miles or so.










This was the start of a 37 mile stretch of single track road. Awesome.





Swam here on Saturday afternoon.













Pissing down at times, didn't matter.



TP always takes great photos at all the events he attends..... have several of my 987 Spyder he took at Euro Central very moody shots he is so professional in what he does .
You've done a great north run TP and made the most of the experience going by your amazing photos. As you say, the rain doesn't adds spectacle to the majestic scenery.

The far north is territory I know very well and have recently returned from an anti-clockwise 725 mile, 5 day version of the NC500 from Inverness. Not in my Porsche, but in a rented Jag XE R Sport as I was tour guide to my American cousins from Michigan.

Those who haven't yet done this route are missing out on one of life's great experiences. Make won't regret it.


Really super pictures, very nicely taken and it certainly serves as a reminder of what a great country we live in.
It is such a superb drive. My wife and I did this very trip last year and have been boring people to death with tales of how good it was. We couldn't agree about who was going to drive so we each took our own cars.
We met a guy in an Atom at Applecross, how's that for for a nice co-incidence, the rain that day was positively Biblical and he was wetter than a haddocks bathing costume but still grinning from ear to ear. it's just that good I would defy anyone to not enjoy every last minute.

great photos we did nc 500 September over 5 days .amazing country the roads were great apart from applecross my wife did not like it at all ,I loved it mind our friends had a a5 convertible the roof was down all the time weather was kind .we will be going back again and again .


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