I've refurbed the calipers on my S2, although it sounds as if yours are a bit worse than mine were. I don't have welding kit, but found that a dreml was great for cutting the slot to allow a wide-bladed screwdriver to get a purchase (the wider-bladed the screwdriver the better). The other advantage was that the dreml's vibrations did something towards breaking the threadlock on the bolt; I know that I had applied more torque before applying the dreml than it eventually took to get the bolts out. I applied heat from a small blowtorch to one bolt, but it wasn't very hot (not Oxy-Acet) and I don't think it made much difference. Seperating the halves of the calipers is fine. I know the manual strongly prohibits it (three times, I think!) but it's not a drama. The four bolts holding it together are VERY VERY tight, and you WILL fight hard to shift them. Make sure they are done up as tightly when you re-attach the two halves. And (obvious point!) take care of the linking pipe before you crack them apart. When you re-assemble, you'll find that a regular hex-head M6 (I think) bolt will fit to replace the corroded blate-securing bolts. You'll need to file one corner off the head slightly to allow you to fit the pads, but it works fine. I used A4 SS bolts, and it made the second time I did the job a billion times easier. It's always worth blasting the calipers with a jetwasher at the end of every winter to get the winter salt off them. That is what will cause the corrosion and plate lift. Oli.