So ... been thinking that my battery might be on the way out as it's been sounding a bit reluctant to start. Sure enough, on Tuesday night it wouldn't start - usual clink clink, flashing headlights and windows-down affair.
Bought a battery charger on Wednesday morning, charged battery all day and overnight - this morning, same result. Porsche Assistance (or RAC as they are known to you and me) came and jumped me, followed me to the garage I could get some gas, jumped me again and off I went to OPC Cambridge to get a new battery fitted - they'd put it on charge and it would be ready at 2pm.
At 3pm ... the car was ready. And the nicest thing was that the battery (dead cell, apparently) was replaced under warranty - which I was totally not expecting - and they only charged me £41 to fit two new wipers with my PCGB discount. Added bonus was that it's a year next month since I bought it, and I was expecting to hear about warranty renewal any day now ... only to learn that my warranty didn't actually start until October 2010 because the previous owners' didn't expire until then - so not only did I not have to pay for the battery, but I've also got Porsche warranty for another 9 1/2 months - result!!
Needless to say my faith in the dealer network has been fully restored today!
Bought a battery charger on Wednesday morning, charged battery all day and overnight - this morning, same result. Porsche Assistance (or RAC as they are known to you and me) came and jumped me, followed me to the garage I could get some gas, jumped me again and off I went to OPC Cambridge to get a new battery fitted - they'd put it on charge and it would be ready at 2pm.
At 3pm ... the car was ready. And the nicest thing was that the battery (dead cell, apparently) was replaced under warranty - which I was totally not expecting - and they only charged me £41 to fit two new wipers with my PCGB discount. Added bonus was that it's a year next month since I bought it, and I was expecting to hear about warranty renewal any day now ... only to learn that my warranty didn't actually start until October 2010 because the previous owners' didn't expire until then - so not only did I not have to pay for the battery, but I've also got Porsche warranty for another 9 1/2 months - result!!
Needless to say my faith in the dealer network has been fully restored today!