We can't quite believe that the fifth "Porkers" is over. Six months of planning and organisation just seemed to all come together on what was a perfect day weather-wise. The fact that visitors from Scotland were singing the praises of our Lancashire scenery shows what a difference sunshine can make to the success of an event. Having driven the route countless times before even we were impressed by the crystal clear views over Morecambe Bay to the Lake District, and that Pendle Hill could be seen on the descent into Slaidburn. We would like to pass on a few comments from Mrs. Reynolds (of Leighton Hall). She and her staff were extremely impressed with the efficient parking of the cars, as they had never seen it done so well and with so little fuss as was managed yesterday. Our thanks must go to Barry Smith for that. He definitely made a lasting impression on Mrs Reynolds, who I think referred to him as charming! She also said much the same thing about Fred and Glynn. The search party for her rose coloured spectacles begins work today! Seriously, she was very complimentary about the whole group of people and was absolutely delighted with the impromptu picnics and general laid back attitude of everybody. Her exact words were "a delightful and respectful group of people" which I think is a great advert for the Club. Just before we left Leighton Hall we managed to catch sight of the baby hawks. One of the highlights of my day was the miniature American kestrel chick called Elvis which sat on his handler's glove and ate tiny pieces of meat from a pair of scissors. Gorgeous! Grateful thanks also go to Garstang Hotel and Country Club for the attention to detail that was shown in all our dealings with them. The breakfast and evening meals were well received by our members and the staff were full of smiles and enthusiasm as usual. We felt that there was a lovely atmosphere, particularly at the evening meal, and it was really nice to notice that members were content enough to linger over their food and conversations. Mac and I would like to thank everybody for coming as without you there would be no event. Your enthusiastic appreciation of our efforts makes it all worthwhile. Planning for "Porkers in the Trough 6" starts today. Sue McLeod