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Porsche Announce New Factory Isle of Thanet


PCGB Member
In a leaked highly secretive factory future production document called "Future Werkes" Porsche will be building a state of the art Factory in North East Kent, producing a yet to be unveiled new model thought to be based on the Golf chassis, a new Hot Hatch. Having now entered the 4X4, Saloon Car and Supercar market, they are now focussing on the Hot Hatch, to be known as the 999.

Porsche have been studying the Hot Hatch drivers in and around Kent as the 4th largest market and so near to the homeland and Huge Thanet District Council grant and fantastic skilled workforce it was a "NeinBrainer" according to Olaf Von Kackenhand, head of future logistical expansion and "GutIdearen".
Rumour has it, it will have Lucas electrics and can be serviced only by Oompaloompas.
HS2 costing billions and we cant repair the potholes in our roads.
Something wrong somewhere .[:eek:]

HS2 and Link to Porsche on page 42

Fallink in luf again with Marlene

By Canterbury Times | Posted: April 04, 2014

DOING DIETRICH: Anette Mutton in costume
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THE Sarah Thorne Theatre in Broadstairs is celebrating the work of 20th century actor and singer Marlene Dietrich on Saturday at 7.30pm.

Ramsgate's Anette Mutton will be performing her one-woman tribute to the iconic star.

Anette a keen Porsche enthusiast, often travels throughout Europe, touring in her four cam 356 Carrera2, once owned by Dietrich's Chemist, Herr Lubinointment.

Anette gives a measured performance as the German-born actress who went from being a star in Hollywood to doing cabaret in Las Vegas.

Anette Mutton, 46, who moved to Ramsgate from Hertfordshire four years ago to give acting another go: "There is a sense of adventure about Ramsgate and it's a very creative place. The performance covers her whole life from being a film star to singing for front line troops and her cabaret career. I have always wanted to do a one-woman show and this gives me the opportunity to do so. I do the show entirely from her point of view, enjoy singing in a deeper voice as she did. It's a great chance to see the character she was."

Anette, has performed the show across the countryand is currently applying for Arts Council funding so that she can tour the show around local residential homes for the elderly.

Tickets cost £8 in advance and £10 on the door. There is unreserved table seating.

10% Reduction for PCGB on production of a valid membership card.

To book call 08452 626263 (Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm) or e-mail info@sarahthorne-

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