Hi all,
Four of us went to the Festival of Speed yesterday and had a great time. We went with some friends that both own Audi's and were treated to some excellent Audi hospitality. All we had to do was produce Audi key fobs to gain entry in their excellent hospitality area, of which they kindly brought their spare ones. Hence the reason we got invited. There were also free beverages and strawberries all day long.
During our walk around we visited many of the major car manufactures exhibits and displays all very nicely done. Alfa's was good as was BMW/Mini. Then onto the small performance manufactures stands that also made a great effort.
On our walk up to the top end of the track we came across this, what looked like to be a second hand car show room stuck under the trees well removed from the main events area.
When we got closer we noticed what it was, and guess what? It was Porsche's enclosure jokingly called the Porsche Experience Centre. It was an embarrassment to me as a proud Porsche owner to take my friends into this "hut"
The flooring in part of the show area was of the rubber you put on school play grounds. The other half of the show room was dark and miserable. The selection of cars on display was a joke. Their so called "experience" part of this exhibit was being hooned around the back field in Cayenne. This should be renamed next year "The Porsche Bad Experience Centre"
Just for comparison. As with most years, Porsche Hatfield had an exhibit at this year's Herts Show near Redbourn in Hertfordshire. It was a stunning exhibit with great cars on display showing what Porsche does best. Their excellent sales team and technicians were on hand for questions etc. What's more the Herts show is not even about cars......... Why not this same effort at the FOS????
Porsche, you have got to try harder!!!!!
From a very disappointed and embarrassed Porsche owner []
Four of us went to the Festival of Speed yesterday and had a great time. We went with some friends that both own Audi's and were treated to some excellent Audi hospitality. All we had to do was produce Audi key fobs to gain entry in their excellent hospitality area, of which they kindly brought their spare ones. Hence the reason we got invited. There were also free beverages and strawberries all day long.
During our walk around we visited many of the major car manufactures exhibits and displays all very nicely done. Alfa's was good as was BMW/Mini. Then onto the small performance manufactures stands that also made a great effort.
On our walk up to the top end of the track we came across this, what looked like to be a second hand car show room stuck under the trees well removed from the main events area.
When we got closer we noticed what it was, and guess what? It was Porsche's enclosure jokingly called the Porsche Experience Centre. It was an embarrassment to me as a proud Porsche owner to take my friends into this "hut"
The flooring in part of the show area was of the rubber you put on school play grounds. The other half of the show room was dark and miserable. The selection of cars on display was a joke. Their so called "experience" part of this exhibit was being hooned around the back field in Cayenne. This should be renamed next year "The Porsche Bad Experience Centre"
Just for comparison. As with most years, Porsche Hatfield had an exhibit at this year's Herts Show near Redbourn in Hertfordshire. It was a stunning exhibit with great cars on display showing what Porsche does best. Their excellent sales team and technicians were on hand for questions etc. What's more the Herts show is not even about cars......... Why not this same effort at the FOS????
Porsche, you have got to try harder!!!!!
From a very disappointed and embarrassed Porsche owner []