I've tracked down a leak in the power steering to a hole in the return line/cooler, and I'm wondering what to do. In previous posts people have supposedly tried fixing them by cutting rotten pipe out and replacing the section of line - but you'll see the hole in mine is on a bend, and also some other corrosion which I'd noticed before.
One of the on-line parts places lists the replacement part at £178. I guess I could also look for a 2nd hand one. Repairing a rotten pipe seems a bit like engineering in a potential weakness.
The other issue is whether to tackle this myself. Has anyone else taken then on? Any experiences? It's just some piping after all, but will require removing the front bumper (is that all?). I gather this can be a pain (which will be magnified by the narrowness of my garage) but is has the added benefit that I will see what the condition of everything else is behind the bumper.
87 220T.
One of the on-line parts places lists the replacement part at £178. I guess I could also look for a 2nd hand one. Repairing a rotten pipe seems a bit like engineering in a potential weakness.
The other issue is whether to tackle this myself. Has anyone else taken then on? Any experiences? It's just some piping after all, but will require removing the front bumper (is that all?). I gather this can be a pain (which will be magnified by the narrowness of my garage) but is has the added benefit that I will see what the condition of everything else is behind the bumper.
87 220T.