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Prescott Revival August 10


New member
To all members and regions
We have been contacted by Tim Sawyer about the revival.
As he has explained it well I have copied his email here.
There are a few members going already and looks really good.
If anyone is interested please let us know.
Regards Stuart

Prescott Revival

Good Afternoon

My name is Tim Sawyer and I am emailing you in regards to Prescott Revival on August 10th at Prescott Hill climb Cheltenham (GL52 9RD), I am helping Robin at Hagerty insurance to promote this event.

Now celebrating its fourth year, Prescott Revival has become a major fixture attracting fantastic vehicles and enthusiasts. It's where you can feel the exhilaration of driving the world famous Hill Climb or the thrill of a passenger ride.

Hagerty have the orchard site at Prescott and they are looking to fill the area with as many car clubs as possible.

Club space with in the orchard is free , passes will be send out just before the event and if any of your members would like to run up the hill, then they can book direct on the link below where runs can be booked at the cost of £30.00 for 2 x runs and Paddock Parking.

For those that are attending and don't want to do a hill run they are welcome to enter into the Hagerty Concourse d'elegance.

If your club would be interested in a stand please let me know numbers and a place will be set aside for you in the orchard.

Look forward to hearing from you son

Tim Sawyer
Hi Stuart - I have booked and will be running up the hill so I assume will be parked in the paddock like last year. I think you know this thread is on 997 and R31 registers!
Prescott Revival August 10

I have been in contact with Timothy Sawyer and he will be sending me the passes to post on to all those that will be going to the event, the idea being that they park in the orchard to put on a display.

The deadline is now July 18 then I will have to inform Tim of the numbers. I will of course need all your addresses to post on the pass.

Regards Stuart, Region 16
Stefan, what is it like going up the hill ie is it tricky, narrow easy to have a prang etc? may sound daft question but having never been there would be interested to know from someone who has done the run before committing myself to risking damage to the car and using up my last remaining track day cover with its 10% excess[:(]. I'm going to be at the event just unsure about driving up the hill
Having now seen some in car video (thanks Stuart for the suggestion) I think I'll give it a miss however it would be great to go down the hill on my road bike I'd feel happier to risk doing that even though a crash would be much more painful but less costly [;)]

Could you please add me + 1 to the event? I have left a post on R31 forum too but not had a response yet.



Prescott is not really scary and you aren't meant to be racing or timing the run - no crash helmets just go as fast or slow as you are comfortable. The first part of the course is open with a couple of hairpins that slow you down and then it goes through the trees, so a bit narrower and then it opens up again before the finish. It's like the perfect country road with a beautiful surface and no potholes! I was persuaded to do it by the lady that helps organise it - no regrets that is why I am doing it again!

Last year you could buy tickets on the day at the track office as well, so if you fancy it on the day you could probably change your mind.

Just as a comparison, I did a run up Shelsley Walsh a few months ago, should you know it, as part of the MAC Classic and that is scary - the one and only time for me I am afraid! Does not compare to Prescott.
Weather is not looking good for Sunday, anyone know what it's like to park in the Orchard after/during heavy rain?
Is the event likely to go ahead based on the current severe weather warning issued today for heavy rain and strong winds?

The Orchard can be a bit troublesome when wet, especially after previous rain, but with sensible driving and parking is uaually navigable. Anything front engined/rear wheel drive can struggle though (not including 944's, of course) and these are usually the vehicles that cause problems for everyone else.

It rained last year I think and the event still went ahead.
If you have a pass, I thought that gave parking in the paddock area side?

The weather outlook seems to change daily! it showed sunshine for tomorrow and now looks as if it'll be wet.. (as least that will save my tyres ready for Sunday [:)])

Many apologies but the forecast is such that I'm whimping out. Hope the weather is not as bad as they say it will be and that everyone enjoys the day.

Fingers crossed the October event will be a dryer day.


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