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pressure guage


New member
hello all - really good forum, full of interesting stuff.

here's my first post, and its a potential problem i think. I recently had a new clutch put in, and when i collected the car, the dash oil level guage was off the scale. i went for a run to warm the oil, and when i checked the level by dip stick it was up to the maximum, but no further. should be okay i thought, but i have heard that you should always run a litre or so light to allow for heat expansion. time didn't permit dropping a bit out the bottom though, and i thought i'd skate away with it for a week - only about 50 miles or so.

now however, the pressure guage is behaving very oddly - it will jump around the scale from 4 bar to 2 when the revs are constant (the engine doesn't seem any different, and performance is unchanged). no smoke at any time from the back.

have i:

a) a knackered guage. [:(]
b) a knackered sender (and where is it?) [:(]
c) a more serious engine problem. [:'(]

i've dropped the level now, but symptoms persist. help hugely appreciated.

Sound like a bad earth somewhere to me, probably got disturbed when the engine came out for the clutch.
The pressure sender, from what I remember, is on the RH cylinder bank rear most and at the top of the engine. It looks like a small metal canister with a black plastic knurled connector on the top with a single wire.

Hope this helps.


thanks for that, i dropped another half litre or so of oil, had a twiddle with sender (thanks for directions), and both sides of the guage now seem ok. I can also now see the level needle move occassionally - just to re-assure myself that it actually works!

Pleased you've sorted the problem, its normally something simple. When its major you just have that feeling!!

Welcome to the forum, keep the posts coming!


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