Just decided to renew my air filter and pollen filter, even though not due.
The air filter was really very blinded when I cut some out to examine it, so worth doing. The price was reasonable at £30-odd for one of the most important engine protection parts you fit.
However, the pollen filter (also quite dirty) was an astonishing £62 (after PCGB discount). Yes, yes, it's activated carbon etc etc., BUT I see this very MANN CUK3360 filter(even this part number is on the Porsche one) is £18 delivered from elsewhere. But, I've got Ext Warranty so I 'have' to be gouged.
Whilst I can tolerate a degree of manufacturer's mark up, this is truly excessive. From what I can ascertain, this actually falls under EU law, which for better or worse we are party to, and part of, states that it is illegal to practice "abusive behaviour by a firm dominating a market, or anti-competitive practices that tend to lead to such a dominant position. Practices controlled in this way may include predatory pricing, tying, price gouging, refusal to deal and many others".
Why am I posting this? Perhaps, if we all lobbied/complained about this excessive mark-up, we conceivably might get somewhere, ESPECIALLY if we have extended warranty where we are falling victim to a practice that appears borderline legal.
I'm not getting some rarefied part that ha sheen taken side for stringent and additional QA to meet anyone's 'exacting standards'. This filter is only made for these cars - it's not like a spark plug which just might have some additional 'QA' (although I doubt it...).
The air filter was really very blinded when I cut some out to examine it, so worth doing. The price was reasonable at £30-odd for one of the most important engine protection parts you fit.
However, the pollen filter (also quite dirty) was an astonishing £62 (after PCGB discount). Yes, yes, it's activated carbon etc etc., BUT I see this very MANN CUK3360 filter(even this part number is on the Porsche one) is £18 delivered from elsewhere. But, I've got Ext Warranty so I 'have' to be gouged.
Whilst I can tolerate a degree of manufacturer's mark up, this is truly excessive. From what I can ascertain, this actually falls under EU law, which for better or worse we are party to, and part of, states that it is illegal to practice "abusive behaviour by a firm dominating a market, or anti-competitive practices that tend to lead to such a dominant position. Practices controlled in this way may include predatory pricing, tying, price gouging, refusal to deal and many others".
Why am I posting this? Perhaps, if we all lobbied/complained about this excessive mark-up, we conceivably might get somewhere, ESPECIALLY if we have extended warranty where we are falling victim to a practice that appears borderline legal.
I'm not getting some rarefied part that ha sheen taken side for stringent and additional QA to meet anyone's 'exacting standards'. This filter is only made for these cars - it's not like a spark plug which just might have some additional 'QA' (although I doubt it...).