Put the key into the ignition this morning and the TPM flashed in red a minus figure, on checking, the nearside rear was flat , I've only done 550 miles in the car.
Put some air into tyre and reversed the car out of the garage.
Found a very small screw in the tyre and I mean small, rang OPC and they will get the car back to them with Porsche assist but will then only fit a new tyre and not carry out any repairs at all, they say you can not repair these tyres, is this correct ?, only 550 gentle miles and such a small repair.
My local tyre car will repair but hasn't got the correct tools to carry out the job ( wheel off and on ).
Does anyone know of a tyre company in the West Midlands who could repair it at my home ? or should I just pay the £400 plus ?.
I like the centre locks but this is a downside to them.
Put some air into tyre and reversed the car out of the garage.
Found a very small screw in the tyre and I mean small, rang OPC and they will get the car back to them with Porsche assist but will then only fit a new tyre and not carry out any repairs at all, they say you can not repair these tyres, is this correct ?, only 550 gentle miles and such a small repair.
My local tyre car will repair but hasn't got the correct tools to carry out the job ( wheel off and on ).
Does anyone know of a tyre company in the West Midlands who could repair it at my home ? or should I just pay the £400 plus ?.
I like the centre locks but this is a downside to them.