Hi All
Just an update on events in the near future.
Our monthly meeting at Garstang GC on Wednesday 18th February will be a Noggin & Natter night talking about future events. We will also have Mike Howes who is the organiser from Scorton "" "Bikes & Barrow Show" who have invited us to have a presence at over the weekend of 2nd - 4th May
We have a number of new events which are not on your previous events calendar Version 12.
I only heard about the monthly Preston Sports & Supercar Meeting held at the Phantom Winger, Preston last night and the event was this morning. This a simple meet up for a chat in the car park and a coffee/breakfast. They are held on the penultimate Sunday of each month. I have added them to R18 Events Calendar Version 13
Sunday 8th March - Whilst at the Phantom Winger there I met with the guys from TIPEC who are organising a run to Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary, between Edenfield and Rochdale on 8th March. The idea is that we take food etc for the animals there, or make a donation whilst there. We will be leaving The Boatyard at Riley Green just off Junct 3, M65, at 10.00 to arrive at Bleakholt at 11.00. You can of course go there direct of you wish. There is a café on site as well.
Items required by Bleakholt are quite specific:
Tinned foods; Butchers, Chappie, Chum and Winnalot in jelly
Balls, toys, chews, dentisticks etc.
Any type of cat food in pouches
Toys such as toys on strings
Burgess Excell rabbit food, Gertie Guinea pig food, Ready grass, pot belly pig food, goat mix, barley
Salt licks, Pony nuts, Vegetable oil, Cod Liver oil, Treat balls or any stable toys.
See www.bleakholt.org for more info.
Several of us are joining NW Region at Portmeirion on Sunday 22nd February and many are staying over.
Our monthly meeting ion 18th March will be at Lee Mayor Restorations, based near Preston. Le carries out many restorations of Porsche's as well as selling cars. Have a look at www.leemayorrestorations.com for more info. As Lee will be putting on some drinks and catering we need to know if you will be attending, so if you are not coming along this Wednesday, please let me know by e-mail if you will be coming along, and if you will have any guests with you.
Our Monthly meeting on 15th April at Garstang Golf Club will be a NEW MEMBERS NIGHT. This event is especially organised to attract new members who may be reticent about coming along to one of our meetings. You will be made most welcome, and not left on your own on the night. In addition there will be a special raffle prize for new members only.
We have a speaker "" Norman Harris (a TIPEC member) who will be telling us about his ride across the USA.
I will be writing directly to all members who have joined in the past 18/24 months. Even if you joined before this and haven't been along to one of our meetings, we would be delighted to meet you all. At our normal monthly meetings at Garstang GC we have around 35/40 attendees, including wives and partners. There should be an article in Porsche Post "" March edition, from some of our recent new members. So you can see what their thoughts were on coming along to their first R18 event
Just an update on events in the near future.
Our monthly meeting at Garstang GC on Wednesday 18th February will be a Noggin & Natter night talking about future events. We will also have Mike Howes who is the organiser from Scorton "" "Bikes & Barrow Show" who have invited us to have a presence at over the weekend of 2nd - 4th May
We have a number of new events which are not on your previous events calendar Version 12.
I only heard about the monthly Preston Sports & Supercar Meeting held at the Phantom Winger, Preston last night and the event was this morning. This a simple meet up for a chat in the car park and a coffee/breakfast. They are held on the penultimate Sunday of each month. I have added them to R18 Events Calendar Version 13
Sunday 8th March - Whilst at the Phantom Winger there I met with the guys from TIPEC who are organising a run to Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary, between Edenfield and Rochdale on 8th March. The idea is that we take food etc for the animals there, or make a donation whilst there. We will be leaving The Boatyard at Riley Green just off Junct 3, M65, at 10.00 to arrive at Bleakholt at 11.00. You can of course go there direct of you wish. There is a café on site as well.
Items required by Bleakholt are quite specific:
Tinned foods; Butchers, Chappie, Chum and Winnalot in jelly
Balls, toys, chews, dentisticks etc.
Any type of cat food in pouches
Toys such as toys on strings
Burgess Excell rabbit food, Gertie Guinea pig food, Ready grass, pot belly pig food, goat mix, barley
Salt licks, Pony nuts, Vegetable oil, Cod Liver oil, Treat balls or any stable toys.
See www.bleakholt.org for more info.
Several of us are joining NW Region at Portmeirion on Sunday 22nd February and many are staying over.
Our monthly meeting ion 18th March will be at Lee Mayor Restorations, based near Preston. Le carries out many restorations of Porsche's as well as selling cars. Have a look at www.leemayorrestorations.com for more info. As Lee will be putting on some drinks and catering we need to know if you will be attending, so if you are not coming along this Wednesday, please let me know by e-mail if you will be coming along, and if you will have any guests with you.
Our Monthly meeting on 15th April at Garstang Golf Club will be a NEW MEMBERS NIGHT. This event is especially organised to attract new members who may be reticent about coming along to one of our meetings. You will be made most welcome, and not left on your own on the night. In addition there will be a special raffle prize for new members only.
We have a speaker "" Norman Harris (a TIPEC member) who will be telling us about his ride across the USA.
I will be writing directly to all members who have joined in the past 18/24 months. Even if you joined before this and haven't been along to one of our meetings, we would be delighted to meet you all. At our normal monthly meetings at Garstang GC we have around 35/40 attendees, including wives and partners. There should be an article in Porsche Post "" March edition, from some of our recent new members. So you can see what their thoughts were on coming along to their first R18 event