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PCGB Member

ORIGINAL: sc0tty

Fair point James, I just fancy a change that's all. What would be nice if we could have some communication from John. Also maybe John could ask US the members what WE want from the club. The key role of Regional Organiser must surely be to ORGANISE !!!

I don't fancy staying at the BiH for the next 5 years. We really are spoilt for choice in Berkshire/South Bucks/South Oxfordshire for lovely pubs with great restaurants. And yes, I know it can be very difficult to please all the people all the time, but year on year the R19 numbers of regulars seems to dwindle. We must have the least active region in the UK, nothing in the Porsche post, no events arranged at all. We may as well shut down the region and migrate to Surrey or the Chilterns regional meetings.

Scotty (and all R19)

I agree R19 is not as active as we would like but it is worth bearing in mind the following:

1) Publicising the 2009 WOTY on the forum and in PP produced a total of two, yes two, enquiries from R19 outside the hardcore dozen that regularly turn up.

2) Publicising the 2010 Prescott hillclimb and a R19 entry to the 2010 Cotswold Rally on the forum and in PP produced a total of one enquiry (for each event) from outside the usual hardcore group.

3) Publicising the novice trackday coming up at Brands Hatch (forum only) also produced one enquiry from outside the hardcore.

So, the problem is not entirely down to lack of activities, more the lack of attendance at those activities that are arranged. This tends to put off those of us who do organise the odd event. There are, I think, something like six of us going to Prescott, three or four to Brands Hatch and around three to the Cotswold Rally; hardly an incentive to keep organising things.

However, I agree that we need to work to try and improve things and John has accepted my offer to become an assistant RO so that we can spread the load a bit. Between us we will try to ensure the following:

1) Whenever possible either John or I will be at the monthly meet and we will circulate among the meeting, talk to new attendees etc

2) We will endeavour to organise a significant event (not just pub lunches) at least every other month. But, please note that significant events for April and May (trackday, Cotswold Rally & Prescott) have already been arranged with very little uptake.

3) We will ensure that copy is submitted to PP every month and as a bare minimum the forthcoming events table will be posted in the R19 section every month even if there is no text that month.

I think this is good news for the region and hopefully will prompt more participation from our membership. Well done for stepping up, James.

I hope you also get some positive feedback from others in R19.
I attended the meeting on Sunday after Goodwood Breakfast Club and it was great to meet some of you guys. I'll definately try to be at other meetings in the future, although I'll be at Brooklands on the 2nd May. I've got tickets for Prescott and Silverstone Classic, so I'm looking forward to meeting more of you then.

If anyone wants to drive down to Goodwood in convoy for the Supercar Sunday Breakfast Club on the 6th June, let me know and we can meet up for a great drive down and be at the BiH by around 1.00pm. We could plan a route down there when we are at Prescott if not before?


P.S. I managed to successfully service my rear spoiler mechanism after it got stuck in the up position at the Bird in Hand! (Does that line deserve an 'Oooh, er Matron!'?)
ORIGINAL: cristel993

I attended the meeting on Sunday after Goodwood Breakfast Club and it was great to meet some of you guys. I'll definately try to be at other meetings in the future, although I'll be at Brooklands on the 2nd May. I've got tickets for Prescott and Silverstone Classic, so I'm looking forward to meeting more of you then.

If anyone wants to drive down to Goodwood in convoy for the Supercar Sunday Breakfast Club on the 6th June, let me know and we can meet up for a great drive down and be at the BiH by around 1.00pm. We could plan a route down there when we are at Prescott if not before?


P.S. I managed to successfully service my rear spoiler mechanism after it got stuck in the up position at the Bird in Hand! (Does that line deserve an 'Oooh, er Matron!'?)

Hi Sam

Good to hear from you.

I'm interested to hear you will be at Prescott. Are you going with PCGB or with the other club that we don't mention on here? I've arranged group parking for PCGB and Geoff Kimber tells me he has six R19 entrants and two from other regions. Did you put PCGB on your entry form? This all applies to the paddock mind you. Are you in the paddock or orchard?

Tony Free (Wibble on here) knows a terrific route down to Goodwood and back to the BiH, we did it last month. Hopefully he will chip in. Unfortunately I've already worked out that I can't make it on 6th June. Curses!

Double entendres always welcome[:D]

Hi James,

I booked a little too late, so I called Geoff directly and he has put me on the reserve list for the paddock, which will hopefully come up trumps as Geoff told me there are 200 in the paddock and I'm second on the reserve list. Fingers et al crossed I'll be in the paddock with you guys! I mentioned to Geoff that I am in the PCGB in my application form.

I met Tony on Saturday and we had both been at Goodwood, admittedly via different routes. Will definately take Tony's route next time weather permitting.

Shame you can't make it on the 6th but we can catch up at Prescott if not before.


ORIGINAL: cristel99]

I booked a little too late, so I called Geoff directly and he has put me on the reserve list for the paddock.

For which weekend?


ORIGINAL: cristel99]

I booked a little too late, so I called Geoff directly and he has put me on the reserve list for the paddock.

For which weekend?

Prescott Classic - 9th May.

Let me know if you want details but it has to be said that the best part is sold out.

ORIGINAL: mahoneyj


ORIGINAL: sc0tty

Fair point James, I just fancy a change that's all. What would be nice if we could have some communication from John. Also maybe John could ask US the members what WE want from the club. The key role of Regional Organiser must surely be to ORGANISE !!!

I don't fancy staying at the BiH for the next 5 years.  We really are spoilt for choice in Berkshire/South Bucks/South Oxfordshire for lovely pubs with great restaurants.  And yes, I know it can be very difficult to please all the people all the time, but year on year the R19 numbers of regulars seems to dwindle.  We must have the least active region in the UK, nothing in the Porsche post, no events arranged at all. We may as well shut down the region and migrate to Surrey or the Chilterns regional meetings.

Scotty (and all R19)

I agree R19 is not as active as we would like but it is worth bearing in mind the following:

1) Publicising the 2009 WOTY on the forum and in PP produced a total of two, yes two, enquiries from R19 outside the hardcore dozen that regularly turn up.

2) Publicising the 2010 Prescott hillclimb and a R19 entry to the 2010 Cotswold Rally on the forum and in PP produced a total of one enquiry (for each event) from outside the usual hardcore group.

3) Publicising the novice trackday coming up at Brands Hatch (forum only) also produced one enquiry from outside the hardcore.

So, the problem is not entirely down to lack of activities, more the lack of attendance at those activities that are arranged. This tends to put off those of us who do organise the odd event. There are, I think, something like six of us going to Prescott, three or four to Brands Hatch and around three to the Cotswold Rally; hardly an incentive to keep organising things.

However, I agree that we need to work to try and improve things and John has accepted my offer to become an assistant RO so that we can spread the load a bit. Between us we will try to ensure the following:

1) Whenever possible either John or I will be at the monthly meet and we will circulate among the meeting, talk to new attendees etc

2) We will endeavour to organise a significant event (not just pub lunches) at least every other month. But, please note that significant events for April and May (trackday, Cotswold Rally & Prescott) have already been arranged with very little uptake.

3) We will ensure that copy is submitted to PP every month and as a bare minimum the forthcoming events table will be posted in the R19 section every month even if there is no text that month.


Well done James.
Im sure you will have everyones support! [:D]


ORIGINAL: cristel993

I attended the meeting on Sunday after Goodwood Breakfast Club and it was great to meet some of you guys. I'll definately try to be at other meetings in the future, although I'll be at Brooklands on the 2nd May. I've got tickets for Prescott and Silverstone Classic, so I'm looking forward to meeting more of you then.

If anyone wants to drive down to Goodwood in convoy for the Supercar Sunday Breakfast Club on the 6th June, let me know and we can meet up for a great drive down and be at the BiH by around 1.00pm. We could plan a route down there when we are at Prescott if not before?


P.S. I managed to successfully service my rear spoiler mechanism after it got stuck in the up position at the Bird in Hand! (Does that line deserve an 'Oooh, er Matron!'?)

Hi Sam

Good to hear from you.

It was really good to meet you on Sunday. I loved your car, very nice.
Im glad you fixed the spoiler ..what was it in the end?


Great to meet you too Jason, looking forward to the next meeting and forthcoming events!

Hope to see your 3.2 in that super rare colour soon.

The cogs in the mechanism had seized up so I looked around for a fix and found a guide on how to service the spoiler mechanism on - - (am I allowed to mention that on here?).

The process worked really well and my spoiler is now going up and down as required!

Oh great! ...always nice if you can do it yourself ..and save money!!

That could be very useful information for others owners, who might have the same problem.

See you soon.


James, Scotty....thanks for this. I'm broadly with you on most of what's been said.

As a general principle we have a common interest and R19 would be more lively if we do things together, so my plans so far this year are:

19/4 Brands Hatch
24/4 VSCC Silverstone Spring Start (vintage racing, and with a paddock to die for!)
25/4 PCGB Cotswold Rally (booked)
9/5 Prescott Classic (booked)
26/6 PCGB Club Champ. Silverstone

Maybe 29 & 30/5 la Vie en Bleu at Prescott (Saturday looks better, more hillclimbing)

I will get round to going to one of the Goodwood breakfasts...

New Year resolution was to go to as many PCGB Club/Speed events as possible (subject to the demands of family life).

James: a while back you mentioned going to a sprint/hill climb in the West Country....was that Gurston Down? Another possibility (PCGB date is 19/6)
[FONT=Arial"][FONT=verdana,geneva"]James thanks for stepping up to take this role which can only benefit the region and lessen the load on the RO. I hope members of the region use this opportunity to support events, socialise and to drive and show your cars.

And yes I am quite happy to lead a small convoy to Goodwood, through some of the best A roads in Hampshire and Sussex.
I realise that you will never please all the members all of the time, but isn't that problem made worse by always having the monthly meetings on the same day of the month at the same time at the same location? I gave up attending on Sundays when the venue moved from Ascot to the Bridge House on Paley Street, because it was not one of the best pubs in the area (IMHO) and I could never get parked.
Also, there is frequently a conflict with other PCGB events on the first Sunday in the month. So why not give up on the BiH and replace it by breakfast or evening meetings at various locations on different days of the week?

I realise that you will never please all the members all of the time, but isn't that problem made worse by always having the monthly meetings on the same day of the month at the same time at the same location? I gave up attending on Sundays when the venue moved from Ascot to the Bridge House on Paley Street, because it was not one of the best pubs in the area (IMHO) and I could never get parked.
Also, there is frequently a conflict with other PCGB events on the first Sunday in the month. So why not give up on the BiH and replace it by breakfast or evening meetings at various locations on different days of the week?

To be fair John, attendance at the BiH has been pretty good of late and is steadily rising. It is still summer mind you...

The BiH isn't perfect by any stretch but it does tick a lot of the boxes, including the one that is hardest to tick i.e. a large hard surfaced car park. The food and drink are reasonable too. The fact that they weren't at Ascot is the main reason we moved on.

As far as changing the date and venue each month goes, this is effectively what we do already because for a long time now there has been at least one extra event each month in addition to the BiH. However, depsite publicity on here and in PP, these events haven't generated much interest from outside the regulars. This is despite the events being quite appealing on the face of it e.g. Prescott Classic, Silverstone Classic, a trackday, Supercars at Wilton House and the WOTY. On this evidence it doesn't appear that an ever changing monthly meet would attract many attendees and could have the double whammy effect of alienating the regulars if they can no longer attend.

On a personal note I think that organising a different date and venue for the regular meet each month plus organising other events, including relatively complex ones like a WOTY, may be beyond what can be expected of an unpaid ARO / RO with work and family commitments. However, if other members would like to organise alternative montly meets and publicise them on here they will be welcomed with open arms. Chris has organised some great breakfasts at Ashridge Manor for example.

This is all good debate and I'd be very interested to hear what others think and especially interested to hear from anyone who'd like to organise and publicise some extra meets.

I await the stampede [:)]


I realise that you will never please all the members all of the time, but isn't that problem made worse by always having the monthly meetings on the same day of the month at the same time at the same location? I gave up attending on Sundays when the venue moved from Ascot to the Bridge House on Paley Street, because it was not one of the best pubs in the area (IMHO) and I could never get parked.
Also, there is frequently a conflict with other PCGB events on the first Sunday in the month. So why not give up on the BiH and replace it by breakfast or evening meetings at various locations on different days of the week?

This has already been done a few years ago and it did not work. People got confused with different locations and stopped comming.

Sorry I have been quiet for a bit guys. A lot of you have seen photos of my koi pond, which now has only 20 fish left from 32 in spring. I think I have isolated to cuase of the mortalities, and I have to say that it is a bit distracting when you have lost £3500 worth of koi if I were to replace like for like. I still have a few decent fish and all my spare time is tied up at the momnet with pond husbandry. I have spent close on £500 on medication and there is a similar amolunt of expense to follow if I am to eradicate the disease. Even the 924 engine rebuuild has stopped in its tracks. The cooler weather has given me some breathing space but there is much work to do to keep the fish healthy.
There is a relatively new virus called Koi Herpesvirus or KHV, and we are narrowing it down to this conclusion. That means taking all the fish out and putting them in another pond (possibly just 1000 gal) and taking the temperature up by I centigrade degree per day unitl the water reaches 30 C. This temperature is believed to kill the virus after 4 days. With no fish host the virus dies within 24hours, but the recommendation is to put chlorox in the main pond and possibly treat it twice, then drain and refill and start again with the treated fish. Then it all has to be netted so that birds, ducks etc can't recontaminate the water.
SO far:
3 x bacteria treatment @£27
6 x parasite treatment @ £27
1 x chloromine T @ £25
1 x malachite green @ £40
1 x formalin @ £40
Air stones x 8 @£2
Large net £65
Day off work £122

Total £551

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