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R24 Events and Club night update


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

October Club night with Guest Speaker
Just a reminder its club night this Wednesday the 8th October 2014. We are pleased to announce we have a guest speaker. We will be joined by Sergeant Smith who is a very experienced officer from the Traffic Police who will be giving us the benefit of his service in the Police Force and in particular the Traffic Police. I have no doubt he will also take some questions from the floor. We will also have all the usual feature of club night, news at ten, your chance to take the floor with brothers JON and TOM. Thank you to all who continue to both bring prizes for the raffle and buy tickets. Your contributions support events such as below. Thank you!

Sharnbrook Hotel Post Christmas Lunch Sunday 11th January 2015
The regions Post Christmas Lunch will be held on Sunday 11th January 2015. We will have some sample menus at Club night. choice on all three courses plus coffee so this really is a la carte dining. The cost for Regional members is just Ten pounds (non refundable) per head. The cost per ticket is subserdised by your Regional raffle fund. As ever guest from other Regions are welcome and for menus and cost please drop me an e mail. Our guest of honour will be Gary Sorrell from PC Cambridge. The Hotel has requested numbers in advance. We have a limited number of spaces so to secure your seat at a table we require advance payment. Payment can be made by cheque or cash on Club night or contact me by e mail.

We look forward to seeing you this coming Wednesday at Club night.

Enjoy your cars and the Club.


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