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PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

No doubt you are aware that it was necessary for the cancellation of one of the Regions favourite events this weekend. Kimbolton Castle Fayre and Classic car show. This event would have also doubled as our concours event. We have now re arranged the Regional concours event as follows:-


The Regional concours event will take place on Sunday the 2nd September 2012. The venue for the event will be the Old Ferryboat commencing 1200hrs.The Ferryboat management have been very flexible in accommodation us at short notice and have also agreed should the grass area be wet we can cordon off an area of the hard standing in the car park and display our cars. As ever you will be the judges of the various classes to decide which cars/members walk of with the prizes. We also hope to keep you busy with other activities on the day.
In order the Ferryboat can cater for our various needs/space requirement would you please e mail me or get along to Club night on 9th August to register you entry.

The new concours date of 2nd September means that the RACEHOUSE event scheduled for that date has now been re arranged for the 4th November 2012.


Come along and join us at Body flight centre. We have kindly accepted the offer of the Racehouse centre for exclusive private use for one hour FOC. The centre is located at Milton Earnest nr Bedford. The first race will commence at 1100 hrs. You will need to arrive early to register and get the drivers briefing 1045 latest. The centre also caters for free fall experience etc and should you require further details please contact me. Following the racing we will be making a short convoy drive for Lunch. More details at As ever names please, first come first served.

John Dunn
RO and Committee
Cambs and Beds

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