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New member

P.C.G.B. Region 4 Agenda[FONT=verdana,geneva"]Date and Venue of meeting The Dovecote - February 8th 2009

Paul, Ken and Andrew

Elliot, Cliff, Julie, Pam, Richard, Charles, Graham and Sophie

2009 allocation of £350. Plus further £150 for concours event.
ACTION "" EN to look into finance rules with Chris Tooley.

New Members and Members who have left
4 left, 2 joined.
ACTION - EN to write an introduction with positives of club membership and dates of venues etc. Circulate to all for comments.

Events and Bookings
Yorkshire breakfast meet up M180, A15 little Chef, at 8.15. To drive to Breakfast with F1 cars. Drive back at leisure April 12th.
Forms handed out for Cotswold Rally

Just a fun draw out each month for topics including:
· dirtiest car
· furthest travelled
· most penalty points
· best dressed
· rarest car
· oldest car
· newest car

This will be drawn monthly, judged by everybody and the winner inserted with photo in Porsche Post.

Any Other Business
· Porsche Forum. "" send details to everyone regarding photo attachment and registering.
· Book Club "" People to please make a list of their car / Porsche related books to loan to members in the region "" please bring list to next meeting and EN will compile.
· Tool Club "" As above
· Tickets for Le Mans offered.
· Communication "" preferred method email.
· Insurance "" EN to start forum topic on R4.

Posts made and opinions expressed are those of the individual forum members

Use of the Forum is subject to the Terms and Conditions


The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the Club, who shall have no liability in respect of them or the accuracy of the content. The Club assumes no responsibility for any effects arising from errors or omissions.

Porsche Club Great Britain gives no warranties, guarantees or assurances and makes no representations or recommendations regarding any goods or services advertised on this site. It is the responsibility of visitors to satisfy themselves that goods and/or services supplied by any advertiser are bona fide and in no instance can the Porsche Club Great Britain be held responsible.

When responding to advertisements please ensure that you satisfy yourself of any applicable call charges on numbers not prefixed by usual "landline" STD Codes. Information can be obtained from the operator or the white pages. Before giving out ANY information regarding cars, or any other items for sale, please satisfy yourself that any potential purchaser is bona fide.

Directors of the Board of Porsche Club GB, Club Office Staff, Register Secretaries and Regional Organisers are often requested by Club members to provide information on matters connected with their cars and other matters referred to in the Club Rules. Such information, advice and assistance provided by such persons is given in good faith and is based on the personal experience and knowledge of the individual concerned.

Neither Porsche Club GB, nor any of the aforementioned, shall be under any liability in respect of any such information, advice or assistance given to members. Members are advised to consult qualified specialists for information, advice and assistance on matters connected with their cars at all times.
