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R9 Regional Concours


New member
I saw in the latest PP that there is a West Midlands concours on the 17 Sept. Has anyone got any more news on the event, location, costs, times etc. ??
Had a quick chat with John about this, asked him your questions
Full details will be in the next PP, but the date is correct...

Our RO John Lord has forwarded these details to us...

Regional Concours
Last month, I referred to a Family Day Out at Paul Seagrave's place at Berkswell on Sunday the 17th September. The post code is CV7 7AZ for the GPS buffs and also a diagrammatic map here for others like me. Otherwise, ring me.

Paul has arranged for a bouncey castle for the youngsters assuming Health and Safety needs are accommodated. For grown ups, a free and easy Concours, after all the serious stuff, with a bit of fun for some prizes. This really is meant as a bit of light hearted fun to round off the summer events so do come along and join in. I propose that we just charge ÂŁ5 per car to help cover expenses and we can all have a picnic party. Please help us with the arrangements by letting me know of your intention to come as soon as possible.

17th September Concours times;

Arrival from 10.00am

Concours Judging starts at Midday..

New to PCGB - thought I might come along and get to meet other R9 members. What time?

New to PCGB - thought I might come along and get to meet other R9 members. What time?

welcome aboard.. hopefully the weather will be as nice next weekend as the one just gone [:)].
Don't forget the chance to meander around some shiny new cars at the OPC on the 21st..

17th September Concours times;

Arrival from 10.00am

Concours Judging starts at Midday..


Don't forget the chance to meander around some shiny new cars at the OPC on the 21st.


Thanks for the feedback. I picked up my new 997 at Sutton Coldfield on 1st September but expect to be somewhere on a German Autobahn on 17th September, I will try and make the next regular meeting.
R9 family day and Concours is this weekend ( Sunday),
The BBC website shows a nice sunny day with some cloud cover...
All are welcome...

What a great day! Paul and his family hosted on a brill event at their place today (Sunday).
A BIG thanksyou to them and all the helpers/judges for a really great and fun day - I hope that they repeat it again next year!!!
Echo views expressed by totsnap especially thanks to Paul for making such a wonderful setting available. Really enjoyed meeting with other PCGB members for the first time.

John - CD with pictures will be in the post tomorrow.

Well the weather did us proud, made it a great day and setting.
My thanks to Paul for holding and judging the event.
Nice to meet up with you guys and enjoy a tea, although I never got round to getting on the Bouncy Castle [;)]

Congratulation to Warwick for home win..[:)]

I must also say a big thank you to Paul and his family for hosting the R9 concours. Excellent day, nice and relaxed and nice to see so many nice cars on show. Lets hope next years event will be so well organised.

P.S. Really pleased with getting 1st place. 2 out of 2 this year not a bad result. Roll on next year's concoursing.

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