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R9 September News Letter


RO John Lord has kindly forward his PP report for us to read on the Forum. This will hopefully allow you some extra notification (and reminders) of forthcoming events...

PCGB. Region 9. West Midlands ""September 2006

We meet on the third Thursday of the month at the Drum & Monkey, 400yds from the Solihull OPC.

For July, I arranged with the Drum & Monkey to swap our usual room for a reserved place in the car park. Consequently, we were able to group all our Porsches together with a good variety and a sociable noggin and natter.

This month, several West Midlands Members entered the Region 13 Treasure Hunt, of which there is more in R 13 report. This extended to some 120 miles around mid Shropshire, including a short visit to what had been a large Roman City. Tom and Lorraine Loder won top prize, in their lovely yellow 914.

In August, we shall do much the same and hope to see some new members so we can get to know them. So if you have not been before, please come along, we are very friendly and look forward to your company.

In September, our Club Night will be sponsored by OPC Sutton Coldfield, where we shall meet instead of the Drum & Monkey and have an evening viewing the latest models as well as some not so young. This is always a great evening once again to enlarge our "˜family', perhaps it's because the cars are "˜sexy'! Also, in October, we shall be having a Charity Treasure Hunt, again sponsored by this OPC and starting from here, on Sunday the 15th of October.

Back at the Drum & Monkey in October and November, I shall arrange something to keep us amused during the evenings.

Last month, I referred to a Family Day Out at Paul Seagrave's place at Berkswell on Sunday the 17th September. The post code is CV7 7AZ for the GPS buffs and also a diagrammatic map here for others like me. Otherwise, ring me.

Paul has arranged for a bouncey castle for the youngsters assuming Health and Safety needs are accommodated. For grown ups, a free and easy Concours, after all the serious stuff, with a bit of fun for some prizes. This really is meant as a bit of light hearted fun to round off the summer events so do come along and join in. I propose that we just charge £5 per car to help cover expenses and we can all have a picnic party. Please help us with the arrangements by letting me know of your intention to come as soon as possible.

Forthcoming Events.

3rd Thursday Meetings.

Thursday 21st September, NOTE, we shall NOT be at the Drum and Monkey this month.
Instead, OPC Sutton Coldfield as described above, from 7.30 pm onwards.

Weekend Events,

September , Sunday the 17th
Casual Concours and Family Day at Paul Seagrave's farm at Berkswell, see above.

October 1st Sunday
Autojumble at Cornbury House.

October 15th Sunday.
Another Fun Run / Treasure Hunt. This time sponsored by OPC Sutton Coldfield. All for charity.

November 18th Saturday, -
We are invited to a morning at "˜Porscheshop, Halesowen,
Birmingham, to view their extended premises and get some help and advice from Ian and his crew. Put this in your schedule.

Porsches plant permanent pals !

John Lord.


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