My Nearest and dearest was in London for the night so I thought I'd drive down and take her out for dinner......Not the best day for the 911 as it was a bit wet but then it always seems to rain when I take it out.
Two speed traps later...not sure if I got tagged on them, I was trundling round the M25 when the Low Coolant warning came on. Hmmm perhaps I need to check the level of that as well as the oil more regularly. Anyway I kept a keen eye on the temperature guage and all seemed well and as I had only a few miles to go to the hotel I carried on. Arriving at the hotel the wife was there to meet me, but rather than smiles there was a look of!....and then I saw all the steam, she said smoke but thats girls for you, coming from the front of the car. Water water everywhere, mainly from a busted central radiator.....
So for the second time in 6 months the car was dragged up onto a flat bed truck and wisked away.
Anyway, is this a common problem with the 911? Failure or stone damage to the radiators? I'm not sure if the warrenty will cover it, if not I fear a rather large bill[
].......dinner was nice though[
Two speed traps later...not sure if I got tagged on them, I was trundling round the M25 when the Low Coolant warning came on. Hmmm perhaps I need to check the level of that as well as the oil more regularly. Anyway I kept a keen eye on the temperature guage and all seemed well and as I had only a few miles to go to the hotel I carried on. Arriving at the hotel the wife was there to meet me, but rather than smiles there was a look of!....and then I saw all the steam, she said smoke but thats girls for you, coming from the front of the car. Water water everywhere, mainly from a busted central radiator.....
So for the second time in 6 months the car was dragged up onto a flat bed truck and wisked away.
Anyway, is this a common problem with the 911? Failure or stone damage to the radiators? I'm not sure if the warrenty will cover it, if not I fear a rather large bill[