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Re Car For Sale

David Hooper

New member
Noticed this a bit before I started the front suspension. When driving on mainly motorways it seems to react a bit to lane changing.
Its like, change lanes a bit quick and it seems to shimmy. Like you're towing a caravan. I thought it was the shot front end but now thats all done and lined up it's still got it. All OK around bends but maybe I can feel it settling a bit before I attack it.
Tonight I got it up to speed and it's definately the rear. Feels loose.
Have 944T Koni adjustables M474 - new, M030 arb with solid links, Elephant racing bushes in torsion mounts, swing arms all polys and remaining rubber bushes all new.
Haven't got under it yet to check but alighnment done last week and all OK.

Any ideas people?

Its either, as Lali has said. OR it could be the geo isnt quite correct. I had a geo set up on my car a few "moons" ago, + it felt like the rear end wanted to come round on me, like oversteer but weird. It was more pronounced on right handers than left... I found out when ide done the geo, something must moved afterwards and it had too much toe in on the passenger side.....[8|][:mad:][8|]
Went to Zentrum and all OK, nothing wrong at rear. So, wound up the rear shocks to max, in fact only two turns from soft to hard, and now fine. Must have been too soft setting. Car will be up for sale soon. Cheers Dave
What Big Dave said ^^ You can't be thinking of selling it after all you've done - if you are, that's just crazy!
Re the sale. Quite difficult this but without going into too much detail, things, and people, in my life have changed quite radically over the past few months and I feel it's time to move on from some of the aspects of my life that are perhaps repeating over and again to the detriment of myself and the relationship with those people and new interests. A new direction if you like. It's not just the car either. I realised that I should have done something different after selling the old CS, bit like you and Jason, Dave, off with the BMW racing thing. I said I would never do that amount of back breaking work again after the CS but then promptly did! Also, although it drives great, I'm just not enjoying it as much as the old CS. We always fancied a couple of classic bikes as we both passed our tests years ago and it would be great fun to take our collection of nieces out on them as they're now so grown up. Which I seem to have missed quite badly. As a start, Diane bought a Honda 400/4 circa 1975 last Saturday which a friend of mine happened to have spare. I remembered how nice they were and she's over the moon with it. Also taking her pilots licence which she's been hankering after for years. I'd like to do helicopter but it's a lot dearer than the plane unfortunately. I do have my eye on a Honda 550/4 SuperSport 1976 but am hearing horror stories re cam chains/tensioners. Some things never change eh!! Well the 968 Sport will be on P/Heads as soon as I get the standard shocks back on the front. Those 944T Konis just didn't seem to suit it at all front or rear and they will be on ebay soon. If anyone is interested let me know beforehand. There are pics somewhere on here if you look at my old posts, in fact the oldest, it'll give you some idea of whats gone into the car. Here I think and pics further on. [link=][/link] Lots of money spent obviously and I don't have a fixed idea of it's worth at the moment. It's only done 72k but is Cat D but I drove it home from where I bought it after taping it together!! Would probably swop it for a bike, or a car, if you want to go classic from modern it's no problem. Like to say what a great time we've had with this club and we will be at Cotswold Rally next weekend if you need to view the car and later in the year Classic LeMans. Cheers Dave
Sorry you're getting rid of the 968 Dave, but good luck with the bikes, they can get in your blood, always been into bikes since my first in the early eighties, I remember the Honda 4s, now ended up with a GPX600R and a ZZR600. Currently planning a European trip with a mate for the summertime.
Hi, have you advertised this yet ? I'm looking for a 944/968. What happened to make it a CAT D ?
Rob if you go below you can see it. I actually turned up with gaffer tape, strong string and made it safe. Then drove it home about 120miles no bother. I then contacted the previous owner on the log book who very kindly sent me the service book and spare keys/immobiliser and bills confirming the mileage of 70k. I've spent a lot on it since and it drives great. If you want to have a look Rob please feel welcome. It's not advertised yet as still got to fit the original front struts/springs after cleaning and painting. [link=][/link] As near to £9k as possible but I will sell it in the next few weeks whatever the figure. Or swop it for a bike.Like this one[:)]: Cheers Dave
Looks like its worth £9K all day long. Even though its a cat d , at least whover buys it will know the FULL story of just what happened + what has been replaced. As ever a good thourough job matey...[;)][:D][;)][:D]

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