I tried posting this from one PC and received an error, I hope posting form a different doesn't give duplicate posts.
Whilst having owned my car for just over 12 years now, this is the first time I've posted here. I'm sure by using this forum I will learn even more about my car and have already looked through the approved tyres post with interest, a question may follow on that in the future. The external link to accessing and checking the horn will also be very useful.
However for now, does anyone have any experience on re-keying door lock barrels? I've been Googling for a while and read the Pelican Parts post a while back. I understand that re-key kits used to be available but are no longer.
My problem is that my ignition, luggage bay and glove box all match but both doors have different keys so I just wanted to match the door barrels up. It looks a relatively simple process but the issue is getting hold of the pins. I have considered getting a lock and key set from a breakers like Douglas Valley and hope there are sufficient pins I can use to match my doors.
Has anyone else done this themselves and how did you source the pins?
Look forward to hearing other peoples opinion and experience.
Whilst having owned my car for just over 12 years now, this is the first time I've posted here. I'm sure by using this forum I will learn even more about my car and have already looked through the approved tyres post with interest, a question may follow on that in the future. The external link to accessing and checking the horn will also be very useful.
However for now, does anyone have any experience on re-keying door lock barrels? I've been Googling for a while and read the Pelican Parts post a while back. I understand that re-key kits used to be available but are no longer.
My problem is that my ignition, luggage bay and glove box all match but both doors have different keys so I just wanted to match the door barrels up. It looks a relatively simple process but the issue is getting hold of the pins. I have considered getting a lock and key set from a breakers like Douglas Valley and hope there are sufficient pins I can use to match my doors.
Has anyone else done this themselves and how did you source the pins?
Look forward to hearing other peoples opinion and experience.