I have just fitted new pins, cleaned and derusted the latches and fitted a new seal. This was not because of rattles but because the hatch was getting difficult to open.
I purchased the pins from an independent supplier because the originals were very worn and rusty, as were the latches. Everything was well stuck with rust but normal rust cleaning sprays allowed me to dismantle everything.
I sourced a set of latches via e-bay for pence and after cleaning both sets got one working set out of the four. Cleaning and greasing worked wonders.
The new seal came from an independent and only took a few minutes to fit. However the seal is a standard profile so you should be able to get one from a good trim specialist or kit car supplier even cheaper.
I also cleaned and lubricated all the rubber seals around the pins and latches and made certain that the dran pipes were clear.
Mine now works as it should.
White 2.7 automatic