Hi all,
Well, I got around to removing my PU yesterday. I've bought some mesh to fit to the grills. I reckon I'll have knocked half a second of the 0-60 time with the amount of crud that was in there. Pity is, I was to late. The centre radiator is weeping. I'd had my suspicions for a while.
So, I'm in the Crawley area. Can anyone recommend an indy to do this work? I've looked at the Workshop manual and it looks like a bit of a mission.
Incidentally there is a sticker on the radiator that say AKG 06/06. I'm guessing that a manufacturing date. Don't last long do they!
Well, I got around to removing my PU yesterday. I've bought some mesh to fit to the grills. I reckon I'll have knocked half a second of the 0-60 time with the amount of crud that was in there. Pity is, I was to late. The centre radiator is weeping. I'd had my suspicions for a while.
So, I'm in the Crawley area. Can anyone recommend an indy to do this work? I've looked at the Workshop manual and it looks like a bit of a mission.
Incidentally there is a sticker on the radiator that say AKG 06/06. I'm guessing that a manufacturing date. Don't last long do they!