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Red Arrows Family day 3 Sept FULL


New member
All - Those that have entered this special families day event final details will be e mailed to you this next week.
The event is now closed to all bookings.
Thank you for your support & I will be making a donation to the RAF Benevolent Fund at the event on behalf of R4 Porsche Club GB members.

Regards Richard RO R4
For all those attending the Families' day on Mon 3 Sept, you should have had final instructions from Richard regarding timings and location. Ifanyone has not seen these instructions: 1. Arrival details: All vehicles (Porsche) are to meet at the rendezvous point by 0945 on Mon 3 Sep. The meeting point is not at RAF Scampton but is situated less than 1 mile away at the Lincolnshire Showground Gate 5. On arrival at the showground, you will be issued with a vehicle pass and a personal pass; these need to be shown on arrival at the Main Gate at RAF Scampton. You will be briefed when issued. Do not change details from those nominated on the original request, that is Driver, Passengers and Vehicle; otherwise you will not be issued with passes as they have been pre-prepared to your details. 2. Directions to Rendezvous point: From the North, A15,Pass Raf Scampton to next roundabout, turn right and Gate 5 is on the left. From the South, A15, Pass Lincolnshire showground to next roundabout, turn left and gate 5 is on the left. 3. Convoy to RAF Scampton: Once all the passes have been issued to all participants (around 70 vehicles) we will all leave the showground in convoy for the short journey onto RAF Scampton (LN1 2ST).Please try to stay close to the cars in front as we all need to arrive at the gate en-mass. All visitors to RAF Scampton must be in possession of either a photo driving licence or a passport. You will not be allowed access to the base without it! Once on the base, we will be directed to our Parking site, on the Airfield. Vehicles, once parked, must not be moved until the families’ day has ended.
What a great day and weekend of R4 activities. The RAF Scampton visit appeared to be a great success with 16 Porsches joining the 50 or so ferrari's, Lambo's and TVR's for the short and noisy drive on to the airfield. The location was good, the weather very hot and sunny and the flying displays quite outstanding. The Station Commander was delighted to receive our cheque towards his charrity fund, another tick in the box for R4. For me, it was a delight to see some old RAF friends, but I must admit that I really enjoyed a refreshing pint in the Dambuster following the show.
We were thrilled that there was space for us to attend the RAF Scampton families’ day. Dee & I would just like to say ‘ditto’ to Gavins comments above and a big thankyou to all R4 members who made us very welcome. Look forward to meeting you all again soon Stuart & Dee R7

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