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Region 9 New Year Lunch..20/01/08


Region 9's New year Lunch will be held at The BEAR INN, Spencers Lane, Berkswell, CV7 7BB on the Sunday 20th January 2008 at 12.30 for 1pm. The cost is £15.50 per head

Menu consists of


Leek and Potato soup, served with a crusty baguette
Wild Mushroom tart, sautéed garlic mushrooms on crisp puff pastry.
Free range Breckland Duck nd Mango, on dressed leaves with honey dressing


Roast Lincolnshire Turkey and British Ham, served with all the trimmings
Scottish Salmon Wellington, with cream cheese and rocket, encased in Pastry
Roast British Beef, with homemade Yorkshire pudding and all the trimmings
Rump Steak (£2 supplement)
Roasted winter vegetables Tartin, with sautéed potatoes and fresh vegetables


Christmas Pudding with Brandy sauce
Lemon Parfait, with Channel Island clotted cream
Poached Pears, with hot chocolate sauce
Ice Cream

followed by Freshly brewed Filter coffee served with Mince Pies.

Booking is with Full Payment, non-returnable.
Please Print and sign your name along with names and numbers.

Pleas choose your choice for 1st and second Courses, to Pre-order.
Make your cheques out to "PCGB R9 Lunch" and send it to;

John Lord
Elmwood Barn
If you haven't confirmed your places for the lunch with John, then please do so at the earliest opportunity


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