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Region R4 BBQ 2nd Sept


New member
All - I still have a few places left for the special BBQ at the Brackenborough Hotel Louth on the 2nd Sept,
cooked by the hotels top chef.

Final numbers I have to give by the 23rd Aug.

You have all had the menu & booking form, I have arranged the sun to shine! Come and chill out.


Even if you don't want to eat at the BBQ, it would be nice to see everyone there for a chat and a nice turnout of Porsches. Lets try to get more than the usual 20 or so members attending.
Just a note of thanks to the RO and Aro of R4 for a great day day with helicopters on parade along with some superb Porsches and a great bunch of People Also a great lunch supplied by Ashley and Victoria from the wonderful hotel Ian
Great BBQ at the Brackenborough Hotel yesterday, food was great and the weather was glorious. Pleased to see a good selection of new and old faces. The boys really enjoyed the Helicopter! Thanks to Richard and Pam for inviting us to their house afterwards, very kind. Excellent Train set Richard!! Look forward to seeing you all again at Blyton Park on 14th September. Cheers Andrew.
Brilliant BBQ and afternoon at the Brackenborough. A great setting with all the cars lined up and looking quite resplendant. Good food, even better company and plenty to chat about. Anyone who didn't attend, missed a great event on the only summer weekend we have had this year. Thanks to Richard and Pam for their hospitality in entertaining everyone with tea and tiffin, not to mention being the fat controller for all the boys (the older ones). I know the guys have all gone home with dreams of having their own miniature railway.

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