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Regional Newsletter December


Kindly supplied by John Lord.

PCGB. Region 9. West Midlands

Over the years, I have been a member of many clubs, generally with gliding or cars as their mainstay.
Naturally, they all have their leaders and organisers. Gliding clubs, by necessity are usually situated at an airfield where their base is fixed. Although I do remember an occasion for a year or two, where we used to hire a farmer's field on a Sunday and fly out of there privately.

Car clubs however, invariably, rely upon the facilities in their area, which do not always meet the demands required by members and their cars. It is not always possible to get those facilities free of charge and sometimes we have to compromise.

As a club member, I have always looked forward to the organised monthly meetings, as being an enjoyable extension of membership. The meetings have always given enjoyment by the companionship of friends with similar interests and the spreading of enthusiasm and information this provides. The organisers at these times often take a back seat, although they will have been in the driving seat, to set up and provide the facilities now being enjoyed. Often at considerable use of their time and costs, which is not always apparent from the conviviality of the meetings but nevertheless, should be understood and appreciated.

The West Midlands Region of PCGB, covers a large area and is over eight hundred members strong, which takes some handling. In the past, it has enjoyed stability of venue. However, since the demise of the Golden Cross Inn and then Moxhull Hall, the Region has never really experienced a venue which encompassed all the needs, even by location. Colin, Mavis and myself, have all been up against the increasing change to restaurant type public houses etc., and reluctance to continue arrangements with regular club meetings. Rare to find a village hall or such that offers more than a bare room, often without facilities, not my cup of tea.

We have all tried our best. Last month, I said, it was time for a change of venue, with a direct look at a central location, secure and display parking for our Porsches, a good private room without the risk of interference, hot beverages and attentive staff. For those that arrange these things, a tall order.

Thanks to help from Paul Seagrave and Rob Bird, who know the central area of West Midlands better than me, I firmly believe that we have found a venue that meets all our demands and deserves our support like no other, for some time. Thus, we are moving to the Bear Inn, Berkswell, near Meriden, just on the village crossroads and judging by the reception we have received so far, we hope to be there for some considerable time. We cannot really get more central for the whole Region than this, after all, Meriden is said to be the centre of England.

For January 18th and February the 15th, we shall meet as usual on the third Thursday. However, please note that from then on, to avoid conflict with the meetings of other clubs, I am changing to the First Tuesday in the Month from March onwards. This is the best time to do this as there is a reasonable gap between the meeting dates. See calendar below.

I have every regard to the need to give preference to Porsche things where possible and will be producing a programme shortly. If you have any particular preferences, or technical questions you would like discussed at the meetings, please give me fair notice in writing and I will endeavour to cover them at our meetings, for the benefit of all. My address is "Elmwood Barn, Hadley, Droitwich, Worcs., WR9 0AX.". My telephone number is 01905 620687, which has been reported incorrectly in the past. Cast your eyes over Region 13 prospectus for 2007, which includes many events that can or will be shared with West Midlands.

You are all cordially invited to the inaugural meeting at this exciting new venue on Thursday the 18th of January, join us in looking forward to a new and Region prosperous New Year in 2007.

Forthcoming Meetings for 2007.

At The Bear Inn, Berkswell. 8pm onwards.

Thursday 18th January,.

Thursday 15th February,

From hereon, Meetings will be on the First Tuesday

Tuesday 6th March,

Tuesday 3rd April

Weekend Events,

It is essential that you contact me to book for the following.

Friday 23rd February, Karting at Stourbridge with Aston Martin Owners Club.

Sunday 4th March, visit to Paul Howells at Wyedean.

See Region 13 for further long term information.

Finally, I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a great New Year, particularly for our Region, West
Midlands and look forward to greeting you at the Bear in January.

John Lord.

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