Dear Yorkshire Region members
Sharon and I have been considering our position as Yorkshire Regional Organisers for some time and have decided that we will step down from the role at the end of December 2009. Our resignation has been accepted by the Club's Regional Director, Chris Clark.
During our time in the role we have been happy to give our time and efforts for the benefit of Yorkshire Region members. We consider that we have moved the Region forward through some very successful events over the past three years as well as increasing overall numbers and the number of new members at our monthly meetings and collecting some significant sums of money for charities. However, we also think that we have taken the Region as far as we can and feel it is now time for someone else to take over.
As there are already activities planned for next month which, at this stage, no-one else could be expected to pick up, we have agreed to "caretake" the Region until the end of January. Thereafter, we still intend to be active members and attend monthly meetings as well as events and activities. We might even be prepared to organise the occasional one-off event from time to time, but want to enjoy all these activities from the perspective of ordinary Club members rather than Regional Organisers.
We already have a number of events planned for 2010 which should be well supported by our members, so my successor will inherit a very active and successful Region of the Club and have the opportunity to build on its success. I believe there are some of our 'active' members who have the enthusiasm and capability to take over the role on an individual or a committee basis. If anyone would like to discuss this further don't hesitate to give me a call on 01484 608467 or drop me an e-mail, or speak to Chris Clark on 01538 372660 (
Kind regards and best wishes for the festive season.
Ian Gilmour